Thursday, February 29, 2024

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Hóa chất chạy Karl fischer : Hóa chất Combititrant 2- 1880021000, Hóa chất CombiMethanol -1880091000, Hóa chất Formamide-1096841000

STT Tên Khoa Học Công Thức Hóa Học Quy Cách
1 Kẽm oxit ZnO AR 500g Code Tên hóa chất
2 Axit Clohydric HCl AR 500ml 1.09623.9026 Ethyl Acetate
3 Kali florua KF.2H2O AR 500g 1.01615.0100 Agar extra pure
4 Kali cacbonat K2CO3.1/2H2O AR 500g 1.01615.9025 Agar extra pure (gia 1 kg)
5 Natri kim loại Na CP 250g 1.10663.0500 Agar test ph 6.0
6 Etylen Điamin (NH2CH2)2 CP 500g 1.01614.1000 Agar-agar purified
7 A.Pecloric HClO4 AR 500ml 1.01800.0500 Alkaline peptone water for microbiology
8 Kali iođua KI AR 500g 1.13829.0001 Anaerocult A for microbiology (10 sets/hop)
9 Natri selenit Na2SeO3 AR 50g 1.01611.0001 Anaerocult A mini
10 Kali photphat dibasic K2HPO4 AR 500g 1.16275.0001 Anaerocult C for microbiology
11 Dimetylfocmamit (CH3)2HCON AR 500ml 1.15112.0001 Anaerotest for microbiology
12 Metyl đỏ C15H15N3O2 AR 25g 1.10235.0500 ANGELOTTI perfringens selective Agar (SPS)
13 Congo đỏ C32H22N6Na2O6S2 Ind 25g 1.05272.0500 Antibiotic Agar No.01
14 L­ưu huỳnh bột S CP 500g 1.05270.0500 Antibiotic Agar No.02
15 Sắt II sunphat FeSO4.7H2O AR 500g 1.05269.0500 Antibiotic Agar No.11
16 Bitmut nitrat Bi(NO3)2.5H2O AR 500g 1.10672.0500 Antibiotic Agar No.12
17 Bromo thymol xanh C27H28Br2O5S Ind 10g 1.05273.0500 Antibiotic Broth
18 Natri silicat tinh thể Na2SiO3.9H2O AR 500g 1.01492.0100 Arabinose for microbiology C5H10O5
19 Ete dầu hoả 30-60 JHD AR 500ml 1.01590.0500 Azide dextrose Broth
20 Piriddin C5H5N CP 500ml 1.09875.0001 Bacillus Cereus selective supplement
21 Bari cacbonat BaCO3 AR 500g 1.13306.0001 Bactident Coagulase Rabbit Plasma
22 Indigo cacmin C16H8N2Na2O8S2 Ind 25g 1.11350.0001 Bactident Indole
23 Natri bisunphit NaHSO3 AR 500g 1.13300.0001 Bactident Oxidase
24 A.Oleic C18H34O2 AR 500ml 1.05406.0500 BAIRD-PARKER Agar
25 Kali cromat K2CrO4 AR 500g 1.07994.0500 BAT agar
26 Glyxin NH2CH2COOH BR 100g 1.00072.0500 Bile Salt Aesculin Azid Agar
27 Clobenzen C6H5Cl CP 500ml 1.05418.0500 Bismuth sulfite Agar
28 n-Heptan C7H16 AR 500ml 1.10886.0500 Blood Agar
29 Lysin AR 5g 1.10328.0500 Blood Agar (base) no.2
30 SPAN80 C22H44O6 LR 500ml 1.10747.0500 BPLS (Brilliant-green phenol-red lactose sucrose) Agar
31 A.Xitric tinh thể C6H8O7.H2O AR 500g 1.07232.0500 BPLS Agar (USP)
32 Amoni sunphat (NH4)2SO4 AR 500g 1.13825.0500 Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI Agar)
33 Ure NH2CONH2 AR 500g 1.10493.0500 Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI Broth)
34 Murexit C8H8O6S6 Ind 25g 1.12587.0500 BRILA broth for microbiology Fluorocult
35 Amoni hydroxit NH4OH AR 500ml 1.05454.0500 BRILA Broth
36 Focmalin HCHO AR 2500ml 1.03032.0500 Bromocresol purple azide Broth
37 Natri hypôphôtphit NaH2PO2 CP 500g 1.01541.0010 Bromocresol green sodium salt indicator water-soluble ACS
38 Bari nitrat Ba(NO3)2.H2O AR 500g 1.09628.0500 Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth base acc. To FDA/BAM 1995
39 A.Butyric C3H9COOH AR 250ml 1.02248.0500 Campylobacter Agar
40 A.Tungstophotphoric H4SiO4(W3O9)4H4O40SiW12 AR 100g 1.11723.0500 Caseinpeptone Lecithine Polysorbate Broth (Base)
41 Piriddin C5H5N AR 500ml 1.05267.0500 Cereus selective Agar (MYB)
42 Natri axetat khan NaCH3COO AR 500g 1.01868.0100 Caseinhydrolysate Glucose Yeast extract broth
43 Phenol C6H5OH AR 500g 1.05284.0500 Certrimide Agar
44 Kali hyhtalat C8H5KO4 PT 100g 1.01568.1000 Chemizorb Granules
45 Pyrogalon C6H3(OH)3 AR 100g 1.16122.0500 Chromocult TBX agar (tryptone bile X-glucuronide)
46 Hydroxylamin NH2.OH.HCl AR 25g 1.00432.0010 Chromocult Listeria Agar Selective
47 Bari cromat BaCrO4 AR 500g 1.00439.0010 Chromocult Listeria Agar Enrichment
48 Alizarin vàng GG C13H8N3NaO5 Ind 25g 1.05469.0500 CHAPMAN Agar
49 Toluidin C7H9N CP 500ml 1.00888.0001 Clostridium perfringens selective supplement (16fl/box)
50 1,1,2,2 Tetracloetan C2H2Cl4 AR 100ml 1.00888.0010 Clostridium perfringens selective supplement (10fl/box)
51 Xyclohexanol C6H11OH AR 500ml 1.10426.0500 COLIFORM Agar
52 Tinh bột tan (C6H10O5)n AR 500g 1.00850.0100 Coliform Agar ES 100g
53 A.Flohydric HF AR 500ml 1.00850.0500 Coliform Agar ES 500g
54 Amoni photphat monobassic NH4H2PO4 AR 500g 1.10455.0500 Columbia Agar
55 Metyl isobutyl xeton C6H12O AR 500ml 1.10878.0500 Count agar sugar free FIL-IDF
56 Bromocresol xanh C21H14Br4O5S Ind 5g 1.00778.0001 Cult-dip combi
57 Kali sunphat K2SO4 AR 500g 1.05460.0500 CZAPEK-DOX Agar
58 Natri axetat tinh thể NaCH3COO.3H2O AR 500g 1.10259.0500 DCA agar
59 Amoni axetat NH4CH3COO AR 500g 1.10270.0500 Deoxycholate citrate lactose sucrose Agar (DCLS)
60 Calcein C30H24N2Na2O13 AR 10g 1.02894.0500 Deoxycholate lactose Agar
61 anpha Naptol C10H8O AR 100g 1.10686.0500 DEV Dextrose Broth
62 Glyxerin C3H8O3 AR 500ml 1.10690.0500 DEV Lactose peptone Broth
63 A.Cromotropic C10H8O3S AR 25g 1.10694.0500 MT NC vi sinh : DEV Tryptophan broth
64 Sắt III sunphat Fe2(SO4)3.xH2O AR 500g 1.10860.0500 Dextrose casein-peptone agar
65 Kali flosilicat K2SiF6 CP 500ml 1.11435.0500 DHL agar acc. To Sakazaki
66 Amoni oxalat (NH4)2C2O4.H2O AR 500g 1.00466.0500 Dichloran Rose-Bengal chloramphenicol Agar
67 A.Axetic 36% CH3COOH AR 500ml 1.00465.0500 Dicloran Glycerol Agar (DG18)
68 Kali nitrit KNO2 AR 500g 1.11699.0500 Differential reinforced clostridial Broth (DRCM)
69 DCP Ca2HPO4 AR 500g 1.08374.0010 Trypto phan
70 Benzoyl peroxit C14H1004 AR 500g 1.08375.0025 DL-Tryptophan for microbiology
71 Thionylclorua Cl2OS CP 500ml 1.08374.0100 L-Tryptophan for biochemistry
72 Naftalen C10H8 AR 250g 1.05982.0500 D-Mannitol for microbiology
73 Đồng II clorua CuCl2.2H2O CP 500g 1.07758.1000 D-Sorbitol extra pure for microbiology C6H14O6
74 Đồng bột Cu AR 500g 1.04036.0500 E.coli 0157:H7-Agar
75 Liti hydroxit LiOH.H2O AR 500g 1.10765.0500 EC Broth
76 Natri nitrat NaNO3 AR 500g 1.03784.0001 Egg yolk emulsion sterile 10x100ml
77 Sodium fluoaluminate Na3AlF6 CP 500g 1.03785.0050 Egg yolk tellurite emulsion sterile
78 Natri bisunphat NaHSO4.H2O AR 500g 1.03785.0001 Egg yolk tellurite emulsion sterile 10x50ml
79 Stronti sunphat Sr(SO4) AR 500g 1.03784.0100 Egg York emulsion sterile
80 A.Lactic C6H6O3 AR 500ml 1.01342.0500 EMB - LEVINE Agar
81 Etyl axetat CH3COOC2H5 AR 500ml 1.04044.0500 ENDO Agar
82 Thymol C10H14O AR 25g 1.00950.0500 Enterococci-Agar
83 Pepton BR 500g 1.01347.0500 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB agar)
84 PEG4000 CP 500g 1.08191.0500 Fluid thioglycolate medium
85 Amoni vanadat NH4VO3 AR 100g 1.10398.0500 Fraser Listeria selective enrichment Broth
86 Metyl isobutyl cacbinol C6H14O AR 500ml 1.10399.0001 Fraser Listeria selective supplement
87 Bari hydroxit Ba(OH)2.8H2O CP 500g 1.09161.0100 Ferroin solution
88 Mangan clorua MnCl2.4H2O AR 500g 1.04062.0050 Galactose
89 A.Oxalic H2C2O4.2H2O AR 500g 1.04070.0500 Gelatin for microbiology
90 A.Crom xanh đen C16H9N2Na3O12S3 AR 10g 1.10675.0500 Giolitti-Cantoni Broth
91 Natri rodizonat CP 5g 1.04074.1000 Glucose monohydrate for biopharmaceutical
92 Mangan sunphat MnSO4.H2O AR 500g 1.08342.1000 Glucose monohydrate for microbiology
93 Hydroquinolin C9H7NO AR 25g 1.10756.0500 GN enrichment Broth
94 Phèn crôm KCr(SO4)2.12H2O AR 500g 1.11681.0500 Hektoen enteric Agar
95 DEG C4H10O3 AR 500ml 1.10991.0500 KING agar B
96 Natri photphat dibasic tinh thể Na2HPO4.12H2O AR 500g 1.03913.0500 KLIGLER Double sugar iron Agar (KIA)
97 A.Focmic HCOOH AR 500ml 1.09293.0100 KOVACS indole reagent for microbiology
98 A.Propionic C2H5COOH AR 500ml 1.05395.0500 KRANEP Agar
99 n-Butanol C4H10O AR 500ml 1.07661.0500 Lactose Broth
100 Canxi hydroxit Ca(OH)2 AR 500g 1.07657.1000 Lactose monohydrate for microbiology
101 Natri borac Na2B4O7.10H2O AR 500g 1.07680.0500 Lactose TTC Agar with Tergitol 7
102 Dầu Ceda FMP 25ml 1.10266.0500 Lauryl sulfate Broth
103 Đồng II oxit bột CuO AR 500g 1.02896.0500 LEIFSON Deoxycholate citrate Agar
104 Triclometan CHCl3 AR 500ml 1.10404.0500 Letheen Agar
105 Thuỷ ngân I Clorua Hg2Cl2 AR 250g 1.10405.0500 Letheen Broth
106 Coban oxit Co2O3 AR 100g 1.00427.0500 Listeria Selective Agar Base acc. OTTA
107 PAR C11H9N3O2 AR 10g 1.10549.0500 Listeria enrichment broth
108 Natri sunphit Na2SO3 AR 500g 1.11951.0500 Listeria Enrichment Broth (base) FDA/IDF-FIL
109 Trietanolamin (C2H5OH)3N AR 500ml 1.11883.0001 Listeria selective enrichment supplement acc. To FDA-BAM 1992 (16 fl/box)
110 A.Sunphuric H2SO4 AR 500ml 1.11781.0001 Listeria Selective Supplement
111 Natri sunphua Na2S.9H2O CP 500g 1.10620.0500 LMX broth modified acc. To MANaFI and OSSMER , Fluorocult
112 Đithizon C13H12H4S AR 5g 1.11640.0500 Lysine iron agar
113 VitaminC C6H8O6 AR 25g 1.15108.0500 M 17 Agar acc to TERZAGHI
114 Dung dịch Brom3% Br2 AR 500ml 1.05934.0100 Manganese (II) chloride dihydrate
115 Kẽm sunphat ZnSO4.7H2O AR 500g 1.05934.1000 Manganese (II) chloride dihydrate for analysis, mncl2x2h2o
116 Axetic anhydrit (CH3CO)2O AR 500ml 1.05465.0500 Macconkey Agar
117 Đồng sunphat tinh thể CuSO4.5H2O AR 500g 1.05396.0500 Macconkey Broth
118 Natri photphat Na3PO4.12H2O AR 500g 1.10329.0500 Malachite-green Broth
119 Thiếc sunphat SnSO4 AR 500g 1.05391.0500 Malt extract
120 Canxi Cacbonat CaCO3 AR 500g 1.05398.0500 Malt extract Agar
121 Xylen C6H4(CH3)2 AR 500ml 1.05910.0500 Maltose monohydrate for microbiology
122 Benzoylclorua C7H5ClO AR 500ml 1.05404.0500 Mannitol salt phenol-red Agar
123 Nhôm clorua khan AlCl3 AR 500g 1.12535.0500 Maximum recovery diluent for microbiology
124 A.Nitric HNO3 AR 500ml 1.09205.0500 Mcaso Broth
125 Dietanolamin HN(Ch2CH2OH)2 AR 500ml 1.03979.0500 Meat extract dry, granulated
126 Kali clorua KCl AR 500g 1.15045.0500 Meat liver Agar
127 Natry tetraphenyl boron C24H20BNa AR 10g 1.10750.0500 Membrane-filter ENDO Broth
128 Đồng II clorua CuCl2.2H2O AR 500g VN-06027.0000 Ethanol
129 Canxi sunphat CaSO4.2H2O AR 500g 1.05262.0500 Membrane-filter Enterococcus selective Agar acc. To Slanetz and Bartley
130 Fufural C5H4O2 AR 500ml 1.11277.0500 M-ENDO Agar
131 Natri bisunphit NaHSO3 AR 500g 1.05394.0500 MOSSEL-Enterobacteriaceae enrichment Broth
132 Natri azit NaN3 AR 100g 1.10660.0500 MRS Lactobacillus Agar
133 A.Sunphanilic NH2C6H4S AR 100g 1.10661.0500 MRS Lactobacillus Broth
134 PAN C15H11N3O Ind 5g 1.05712.0500 MR-VP (MR-Voges-Proskauer) Broth
135 Chì nitrat Pb(NO3)2 AR 500g 1.05437.0500 MUELLER-HINTON Agar
136 Amoni florua NH4F AR 250g 1.05435.0500 MUELLER-HINTON Agar NCCLS
137 ETOO C20H12N3NaO7S AR 25g 1.04728.0100 Myo-Inositol for microbiology C6H12O6
138 Ete dầu hoả 60-90 AR 500ml 491207 Novobiocin, Sodium Salt
139 Axeton CH3COCH3 AR 500ml 1.05450.0500 Nutrient Agar
140 Kẽm clorua ZnCl2 AR 500g 1.05443.0500 Nutrient Broth
141 Thuỷ ngân iotđua HgI2 AR 100g 1.10282.0500 OF Basal medium
142 Natri hydrosunphit Na2S2O4 CP 500g 1.10877.0500 OGY Oxytetracycline glucose yeast Agar
143 Canxi Clorua tinh thể CaCl2.2H2O AR 500g 1.09877.0001 OGY selective supplement
144 Đồng II nitrat Cu(NO3)2.3H2O CP 500g 1.05978.0500 OGYE Agar, Base
145 Thuỷ ngân II nitrat Hg(NO3)2.H2O AR 500g 1.10673.0500 Orange serum agar
146 Crom nitrat Cr(NO3)2 AR 500g 1.07004.0500 Oxford Listeria selective Agar
147 A.Salixilic C7H8O2N2 AR 250g 1.07006.0001 Oxford Listeria selective supplement
148 Bromo cresol tím C21H16Br2O5S Ind 25g 1.11755.0500 Palcam Listeria selective Agar
149 Nhôm tấm Al AR 250g 1.12122.0001 Palcam Listeria selective supplement
150 Metyl etyl xeton C4H8O AR 500ml 1.07213.1000 Peptone from casein pancreatic digested, granulated for microbiology
151 Kẽm axetat Zn(CH3COO)2.2H2O AR 500g 1.02239.0500 Peptone from casein pancreatic digested, granulated for microbiology 500g
152 IAA CP 1g 1.07224.1000 Peptone from meat peptic digested, granulated for microbiology
153 Benzen C6H6 AR 500ml 1.07228.5000 Peptone water (buffered) for microbiology (25,5g/l)
154 Heliotropin C8H6O3 LR 500g 1.07228.0500 Peptone water for microbiology
155 Liti clorua LiCl.H2O AR 500g 1.10987.0500 Phenol-red Broth
156 Nitrobenzen C6H5NO3 AR 500ml 1.05463.0500 Plate count Agar
157 Ete etylic (C2H5)2O AR 500ml 1.15338.0500 Plate count skim milk agar
158 Cloralhydrat C2H3Cl3O2 CP 250g 1.05164.0100 Potassium tellurite trihydrate for microbiology
159 Coban nitrat Co(NO3)2.6H2O AR 100g 1.10130.0500 Potato glucose Agar
160 Metyl meta acrylat C5H8O2 CP 500ml 1.10989.0500 Pseudomonas F Agar
161 A.Cromic CrO3 AR 500g 1.07620.0500 MT NC vi sinh : Pseudomonas Selective agar (base)
162 Vôi xôda AR 500g 1.10988.0500 Pseudomonas P Agar
163 Iốt I2 AR 250g 1.00416.0500 R2A Agar
164 A.Amidosulfuaric H3NO3S AR 100g 1.07500.0001 Rambach Agar 1set
165 A.Flosilisic H2SiF6 CP 500ml 1.07500.0002 Rambach Agar
166 Naftinamin C10H9N CP50g 1.05410.0500 Reinforced clostridial agar
167 Xeri sunphat CeSO4.4H2O AR 25g 1.05411.0500 Reinforced clostridial Medium
168 Amoni sunphit (NH4)2SO3 AR 500g 1.15525.0001 RINGER tablets
169 Kali thioxyanat KSCN AR 500g 1.00467.0500 Rose-Bengal chloramphenicol Agar
170 n-Amyl ancol AR 500ml 1.16954.0001 Recalibration Set Rqflex, Recalectoquant
171 Xyclohexan C6H12 AR 500ml 1.07315.0500 SABOURAUD 2% dextrose Agar
172 Đi butyl phtalat C16H22O4 AR 500ml 1.05438.0500 SABOURAUD 4% glucose Agar
173 Magiê oxit MgO AR 500g 1.05439.0500 SABOURAUD 4% maltose Agar
174 Kẽm hạt Zn AR 500g 1.07662.0500 SABOURAUD-1% dextrose-1% maltose Agar
175 Xeri oxit CeO AR 100g 1.08339.0500 SABOURAUD-2% dextrose Broth
176 Bạc nitrat AgNO3 AR 100g 1.07700.0500 Salmonella enrichment Broth
177 A.Metacrylic C4H6O2 AR 500ml 1.10236.0500 Salmonella enrichment Broth ( Rappaport)
178 Thiếc II clorua SnCl2.2H2O AR 500g 1.07667.0500 Salmonella Shigella Agar (SS)
179 Natri cromat NaCrO4.4H2O AR 500g 1.10153.0500 Salmosyst Broth
180 Giemsa BR 25g 1.10141.0001 Salmosyst selective supplement
181 Eosin Y TQ-AR-25g 1.07709.0500 Selenite cystine enrichment Broth
182 Kali feroxyanua K4FeCN6.3H2O AR 500g 1.07717.0500 Selenite enrichment Broth
183 Silicagen hút ẩm SiO2 TQ-CN-25kg 1.09080.1000 Silver nitrate solution c(AgNO3) = 1 mol/1 (1N) titripur®
184 Nhôm oxit Al2O3 AR 500g 1.05470.0500 SIM medium
185 Natri lauryl sunphat C12H25NaO4S AR 250g 1.02501.0500 SIMMONS citrate agar
186 Antimon clorua SbCl3 AR 500g 1.15363.0500 Skim Milk powder
187 Natri benzoat NaC6H5COO AR 250g 1.10582.0500 Sodium chloride peptone Broth
188 Etyl axetat CH3COOC2H5 AR 500ml 1.06504.0100 Sodium deoxycholate for microbiology C24H39NaO4
189 DL-Alanin CH3CH(NH2)COOH BR 25g 1.11885.0001 Stain set for the gram staining method (5x500ml)
190 NAA C12H1002 AR 10g 1.07687.0250 Sucrose (saccharose) for biopharmaceutical C12H12O11
191 Cacbon đisunphua CS2 AR 500ml 1.10864.0500 Sulfite iron Agar
192 Amoni molipđat (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O AR 500g 1.05178.0500 TBG (Tetrathionate Brilliant Green Bile) Broth
193 A.Dodecanoic C12H24O2 AR 500g 1.10263.0500 TCBS-Vibrio selective Agar
194 Magiê sunphat MgSO4 AR 500g 1.04140.0001 Test Singlepath Salmonella (25 tests/box)
195 Tolidin C14H6N2 AR 25g 1.04148.0001 Singlepath®l'mono Rapid test
196 Metyl etyl xeton C4H8O AR 500ml 1.05285.0500 Tetrathionate Broth
197 Canxi kim loại Ca AR 500g 1.10863.0500 Tetrathionate enrichment Broth
198 Đường gluco C6H12O6.H2O AR 500g 8.21895.1000 Tetraisopropyl orthotitanate for synthesis
199 Tributtyl photphat C12H27O4P CP 500ml 1.10128.0500 TGE-Tryptone Glucose Extract agar
200 Malachit xanh C48H50N4O4.2H2C2O4 Ind 100g 8.20350.0100 Tributyl citrate
201 Thuốc tím KMnO4 AR 500g 1.03915.0500 Triple Sugar Iron Agar
202 Axít gibberellic-GA3 C19H22O6 TQ-1kg 1.05458.0500 Tryptic Soy Agar (CASO Agar)
203 Amoni đicromat (NH4)2Cr2O7 AR 500g 1.07324.0500 Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin
204 Crom clorua CrCl3 AR 500g 1.05459.0500 Tryptic soy Broth (Caso Broth)
205 Kali bromat KBrO3 TQ-CN-50kg 1.10859.0500 Tryptone Water
206 1,4 Butinđiol C4H6O2 CP 500g 1.10676.0500 Tryptose Broth
207 Đồng sunphat tinh thể CuSO4.5H2O AR 500g 1.10213.1000 Tryptose for microbiology
208 A.Nitric HNO3 AR 2500ml 1.11972.0500 TSC-Tryptose sulfite cycloserine Agar
209 Natri hyposunphit Na2S2O3.5H2O AR 500g 1.05264.0500 TSN agar Perfringens selective agar acc. To Marshall
210 Amoni cacbonat (NH4)2CO3 AR 500g 1.00445.0500 Universal beer agar
211 Aninilin C6H5NH2 AR 500ml 1.07043.1000 Universal peptone M66
212 Thuỷ ngân axetat Hg(CH3COO)2 AR 100g 1.08492.0500 Urea Agar
213 Focmalin HCHO AR 500ml 1.08483.0500 Urea Broth
214 Zirconi oxit ZrO2 AR 100g 1.04039.0001 UVM II supplement
215 Alizarin đỏ S C14H7NaO7S.H2O Ind 25g 1.10824.0500 UVM modified Listeria Broth
216 Thuỷ ngân II clorua HgCl2 AR 500g 1.12537.0001 UV lamp 254 nm for thin-layer chromatography
217 Liti sunphat Li2SO4.H2O AR 100g 1.11988.0100 Vitamin B12 test Broth
218 Toluen C6H5CH3 AR 500ml 1.05405.0500 Vogel & Johnson Agar Base
219 Metyl tím C25H30ClN3 Ind 25g 1.01406.0500 VRB (Crystal-violet neutral red bile) agar
220 Natri bicacbonat NaHCO3 AR 500g 1.10275.0500 VRBD (Crystal-violet neutral-red bile dextrose) agar
221 Tetrahydrofural C4H8O AR 500ml 1.05448.0500 Wort Agar
222 Natri oxalat Na2C2O4.2H2O AR 500g 1.05287.0500 XLD (Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate) Agar
223 Kali nitrat KNO3 AR 500g 1.13919.0500 XLT4 agar
224 A.Sucinic C4H6O4 AR 500g 1.08981.0100 XLT4 agar supplement
225 Natri sunphit Na2SO3 CP 500g 1.03753.0500 Yeast extract
226 Đi Metyl sunphoxit C2H6OS AR 500ml 1.03750.0500 Yeast extract agar
227 Axeton nitryl CH3CN AR 500ml 1.13116.0500 Yeast extract agar acc. To ISO 6222 and Swedish Standard SS 028171 for microbiology
228 Fucsin bazo C20H20ClN3 AR 25g 1.16000.0500 YGC Agar Yeast extract-glucose-chloramphenicol agar
229 Kali photphat monobasic KH2PO4 AR 500g 1.09215.0500 Ziehl-Neelsen carbol-fuchsin solution
230 1,4 Đioxan C4H8O2 AR 500ml 8.14113.0100 (-)-Menthol for synthesis C10H20O
231 A.Stearic C18H36O2 AR 500g 8.20761.0025 (+)-P-Menth-1-EN-4-OL for synthesis
232 Parafin lỏng CP 500ml 8.21714.0100 4-Bromophenol for synthesis
233 Benzylancol C6H5CH2OH CP 500ml 8.14472.0025 (1S)-(-)-Borneol C10H18O
234 Etanolamin OHCH2CH2NH2 AR 500ml 8.40083.0250 (2-Dimethylaminoethyl) methacrylate
235 Diclometan CH2Cl2 AR 500ml 8.06061.0100 (2-Methoxyethyl) acetate for synthesis
236 Metanol CH3OH AR 500ml 8.16014.0100 (R)-(+)-Cysteine for synthesis C3H7NO2S
237 Crystal tím C25H30ClN3 Ind 25g 8.20942.0025 (S)-(-)-2-Pyrrolidone-5-carboxylic acid for synthesis C5H7NO3
238 Oxit chì đỏ Pb3O4 AR 500g 8.16004.0100 (S)-(+)-Glutamic acid for synthesis C5H9NO4
239 Natri dimetylthiocacbamat C5H10NNaS2.2H2O AR 100g 8.16005.0100 (S)-(+)-Histidine hydrochloride monohydrate C6H10CIN3O2.H2O
240 Niken clorua NiCl2.6H2O AR 500g 8.04324.0250 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexamethyldisilazane C6H7C13O.5H2O
241 Amoni xitrat (NH4)3C6H5O7 AR 500g 1.01005.1000 1,1,1-Trichloro-2-methyl-2-propanol hemihydrate  Ph Eur, BP, JP C4H7Cl3O.5H2O
242 beta Naftol C10H8O AR 100g 1.00034.1000 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane C2H2Br4
243 Acrylamit C3H6NO AR 250g 1.07223.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate C12H9CIN2.H2O
244 Thuỷ ngân II sunphat HgSO4 AR 250g 1.07223.0005 1,10-Phenanthroline chloride monohydrate, PA
245 Kali pesunphat K2S2O8 CP 500g 1.07225.0100 1,10-phenanthroline monohydrate C12H8N2.H2O
246 Kali xyanua KCN AR 500g 1.07225.0005 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate, PA C12H82.H2O 5g
247 Benzaldehit C6H5CHO AR 500ml 1.07225.0010 1,10-Phenanthroline monohydrate, PA C12H82.H2O 10g
248 Thiếc oxit SnO2 AR 500g 1.07531.0001 1,2-(Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) C15H11N3O
249 Natri photphat monobassic NaH2PO4.2H2O AR 500g 1.07531.0005 1,2-(Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) C15H11N3O 5g
250 Kali vàng xyanua K2AuCN6 AR 1g 8.09733.1000 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene C10H12
251 Than hoạt tính C AR 500g 8.07516.0100 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic-1,2:4,5-Dianhydride for synthesis
252 Styren C8H8 CP 500ml 8.20138.0500 1,2,4-Benzenetetracarboxylic-1,2-Anhydride for synthesis
253 Niken sunphat NiSO4.7H2O AR 500g 8.08388.0100 1,2,4-Triazole for synthesis C2H3N3
254 Amyl axetat C7H14O2 AR 500ml 1.59695.0500 1,2-Dichloroethane C2H4Cl2;clch2ch2cl
255 Mangan nitrat dung dịch 50% Mn(NO3)2 CP 500ml 1.00955.1000 1,2-Dichloroethane extra pure
256 Kali metabisunphit K2S2O5 AR 500g 1.06531.0025 1,2-Naphtoquinon-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt, PA c10h5nao5s
257 Sắt III oxit Fe2O3 AR 500g 1.07478.2500 1,2-Propanediol extra pure CH3CH(OH)CH2OH; C3H8O2
258 Stronti clorua SrCl2.6H2O CP 500g 8.22324.1000 1,2-Propanediol for synthesis
259 Chì đioxit PbO2 AR 500g 8.01299.0100 1,3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid C9H6O6
260 Titan oxit TiO2 AR 500g 8.03226.0100 1,4-Dichlorobenzene
261 1,2Đicloetan ClCH2CH2Cl AR 500ml 8.03120.0010 1,4-Dinitrobenzene for synthesis
262 Aga-Aga BR 500g 1.09671.1000 1,4-Dioxan C4H8O2
263 n-Hexan C6H14 AR 500ml 1.09671.0250 1,4-Dioxan
264 Natri nitrit NaNO2 AR 500g 1.03115.1000 1,4-Dioxan extra pure C4H8O2
265 A.Sunphosalixylic C7H6O6S2.H2O AR 100g 1.03132.1000 1,4-Dioxan for liquid chromatography C4H8O2
266 A.Bromhydric HBr AR 500ml 1.11474.0001 1,4-Dithiothreitol for biopharmaceutical C4H10O2S2
267 Catmi clorua CdCl2 AR 100g 1.03091.0025 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide, PA C13H14N4O
268 Dextro (C6H10O5)n.xH2O AR 500g 1.03087.0005 1,5-Diphenylcarbazone (cont. Diphenylcarbazide) C13H12N4O
269 Điphenylamin C12H11N AR 100g 1.07998.0025 1,8-Dihydroxy-2-(4-sulfophenylazo)naphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid,
270 A.Sunphuric H2SO4 AR 2500ml 1.00099.0025 1-Amino-2-Hydroxy-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid, PA C10H9NO4S
271 Cồn tuyệt đối C2H5OH AR 500ml 8.22262.1000 1-Butanol for synthesis CH3(CH2)3OH
272 A.Axetic CH3COOH AR 500ml 1.01990.1000 1-Butanol, PA CH3(CH2)3OH
273 Natri hypoclorit NaOCl CP 500ml 8.40008.0100 1-Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate C21H38CIN.H2O
274 Natri bohydrua NaBH4 AR 100g 1.02427.0100 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene C6H3CIN2O4
275 Natri sunphat khan Na2SO4 AR 500g 8.02491.0100 1-Cyanoguanidine for synthesis C2H4N4
276 Natri laurylsunphat C12H25NaO3S CP 500g 8.02491.1000 1-Cyanoguanidine C2H4N4
277 izo Amyl ancol C5H11OH AR 500ml 8.22047.0100 1-Docosanol C22H46O
278 A.Benzoic C6H5COOH AR 250g 1.02966.0020 1-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene C6H3FN2O4.
279 Natri florua NaF AR 500g 1.02966.0100 1-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene C6H3FN2O4 100g
280 Amoni nikel sunphat (NH4)22Ni(SO4)2.6H2O AR 500g 8.04393.1000 1-Hexanol for synthesis CH3(CH2)5OH
281 Chì axetat bazo Pb(CH3COO)2.3H2O AR 500g 8.06072.2500 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone C5H9NO
282 A.Thioglycolic C2H4O2S AR100ml 8.06072.1000 1-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis
283 Glyoxan C2H2O2 AR 500ml 8.05852.0100 1-Methylimidazole for synthesis C4H6N2
284 Nhôm sunphat tinh thể Al2(SO4)3.18H2O CP 500g 1.06223.0050 1-Naphthol, PA C10H8O 50g
285 Natriflosilicat Na2SiF6 AR 500g 1.06223.0250 1-Naphthol, PA C10H8O  250g
286 Cacmin Ind 10g 8.22289.0250 1-Naphthol, PA C10H8O
287 Tribrom metan CHBr3 AR 100ml 1.06202.0005 1-Naphtholbenzein Indicator C27H18O2
288 Kali đicromat K2Cr2O7 AR 500g 1.06220.0010 1-Naphthylacetic acid for biopharmaceutical (NAA) C12H10O2
289 Tricloaxetic Cl3CCOOH CP 500g 8.22291.0100 1-Naphthylamine for synthesis C10H9N 100g
290 Coban sunphat CoSO4.7H2O AR 100g 1.06245.0100 1-Naphthylamine, PA C10H9N
291 Stronti nitrat Sr(NO3)2 AR 500g 1.00991.1000 1-Octanol extra pure C8H18O; CH3(CH2)7OH
292 Antimon oxit Sb2O3 AR 500g 8.20931.1000 1-Octanol for synthesis
293 Amoni sunphua (NH4)2S AR 500ml 1.18304.0025 1-Pentane sulfonic acid, sodium salt, HPLC c5h11nao3s
294 Resocxinol C6H6O2 AR 100g 1.00997.1000 1-Propanol C3H8O; CH3CH2CH2OH
295 Thioure (NH2)2CS AR 500g 8.08146.0100 1-Tetradecanol for synthesis CH3(CH2)13OH
296 Acrylonitryl CH2=CHCN CP 500ml 8.08468.0100 1-Undecanol for synthesis C11H24O
297 Urotropin C6H12N4 CP 500g 8.08518.0005 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone
298 Kali hydroxit KOH AR 500g 8.08518.0250 1-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone C6H9NO
299 A.Boric H3BO3 AR 500g 8.03237.1000 2-(Dimethylamino)-ethanol
300 Bitmut subnitrat 4BiNO3(OH)2.BiO(OH) AR 500g 1.11805.0005 2,2,2-Trifluoro-N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (MSTFA) c6h12f3nosi
301 Metyl dacam C14H14N3NaO3S AR 25g 1.03098.0025 2,2'-Bipyridine C10H8N2
302 Amoni hydroxit NH4OH AR 2500ml 8.02936.0100 2,2-Dimethoxypropane C5H12O2
303 Kaliclorat KClO3 AR 500ml 1.03291.0001 2,2'-Dinitro-5,5'-dithiodibenzoic acid C14H8N2O8S2
304 Thuỷ ngân I nitrat Hg2(NO3)2.2H2O AR 250g 1.03291.0025 2,2'-Dinitro-5,5'-dithiodibenzoic acid C14H8N2O8S2 25g
305 Axetyl axeton C5H8O2 AR 500ml 8.41109.0005 2,2'-Dipyridyl disulfide C10H8N2S2
306 Mangan cacbonat MnCO3 AR 500g 1.08380.0010 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride C19H15CIN4 10g
307 Bari sunphat BaSO4 AR 500ml 1.08380.0100 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride C19H15CIN4 100g
308 Amoni clorua NH4Cl AR 500g 8.18732.0025 2,3-Hexanedione for synthesis
309 Natri cacbonat khan Na2CO3 AR 500g 8.14578.0050 2,3-Naphthalenediol for synthesis C10H8O2
310 Alizarin vàng R C13H8N3NaO5 Ind 25g 8.18555.0025 2,3-Pentanedione for synthesis
311 Gielatin BR 500g 1.10238.0005 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine C18H12N6
312 Bari clorua BaCl2.2H2O AR 500g 1.10238.0001 2,4,6-Tri(2-Pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine, PA C18H12N6
313 Magiê clorua MgCl2.6H2O AR 500g 8.08614.0100 2,4,6-Triamino-1,3,5-triazine C3H6N6
314 1,2Dinitrophenylhydrazin C6H6N4O4 AR 25g 8.20451.1000 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid C8H6Cl2O3; 2,4-(Cl)2C6H3OC
315 Đồng I clorua CuCl AR 500g 8.20451.0005 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for synthesis 2,4-(Cl)2C6H3OCH2COOH 5g
316 Amoni thioxyanat NH4SCN AR 500g 8.20451.0250 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid for synthesis 2,4-(Cl)2C6H3OCH2COOH
317 Canxi axetat Ca(CH3COO)2.H2O AR 500g 8.03770.0250 2,4-Dimethylphenol C8H10O
318 Kali feryxyanua K3FeCN6 AR 500g 8.03774.0100 2,4-Dimethylphenol  C8H10O 100g
319 IBA C12H13NO2 AR 1g 8.20444.0005 2,6-Dichloro-4-Nitroaniline-for synthesis 2,6-(Cl)2--(NO2)C6H2NH2
320 Chì sunphat PbSO4 AR 500g 1.03028.0005 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt dihydrate, PA C12H6Cl2NNaO2.2H2O
321 Tetraclorua cacbon CCl4 AR 500ml 1.59139.0003 2,6-Dichloroquinone--4-chloroimide Reag. C6H2Cl3NO
322 A.Photphoric H3PO4 AR 500ml 1.03037.0010 2,6-Dichloroquinone--4-chloroimide, PA C6H2Cl3NO
323 Crom oxit Cr2O3 CP 500g 1.03768.0100 2,6-Dimethylphenol C8H10O
324 Amoni sắt III sunphat NH4Fe(SO4)2.12H2O AR 500g 8.22021.0500 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-Methylphenol for synthesis 2,6-[(CH3)3C]2-4-(CH3)C6H2OH
325 Nhôm nitrat tinh thể Al(NO3)2.9H2O AR 500g 1.09676.0005 2',7'-Dichlorofluorescein fluorescence indicator C20H10Cl2O5
326 Amido đen 10B C22H14N6Na2O9S2 Ind 10g 8.20851.0100 2,7-Naphthalenediol C10H8O2
327 Sắt sunphua FeS CP 500g 1.15231.0025 2-[4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt buffer c8h17n2nao4s
328 Etyl axetat CH3COOC2H5 AR 500ml 8.01410.0100 2-Amino-1-butanol
329 Natri pyrophotphat Na4P2O7.10H2O AR 500g 8.00386.0100 2-Amino-4-methylpyridine C6H8N2
330 Coban clorua CoCl2.6H2O AR 100g 8.00417.0100 2-Amino-6-methylpyridine C6H8N2
331 Thuỷ ngân oxit đỏ HgO AR 100g 8.18675.0050 2-Aminodimethyl terephthalate
332 Bitmut oxit Bi2O3 AR 500g 8.41636.0005 2-Aminoethyldiphenyl borate for synthesis C14H16BNO;
333 Amoni nitrat NH4NO3 AR 500g 8.22263.1000 2-Butanol for synthesis C4H10O
334 Nhôm bột Al AR 500g 8.22263.2500 2-Butanol for synthesis C4H10O, CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3
335 Xylenol dacam C31H30N2Na2O13S AR 5g 1.09630.1000 2-Butanol, PA C4H10O, CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3
336 Bromophenol xanh C19H10Br4O5S Ind 25g 8.02253.0100 2-Chlorophenol for synthesis C6h5clo
337 Kali pyrosunphat K2S2O7 AR 500g 8.00187.0100 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate for synthesis
338 Natri clorua NaCl AR 500g 8.00141.0100 2-Hydroxy-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid for synthesis C7H4N2O7
339 Anhydric maleic C4H2O3 AR 500g 8.00640.0250 2-Hydroxybenzaldehyde C7H8O2
340 Thiếc hạt Sn AR 500g 8.20662.0050 2-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol for synthesis C7H8O2
341 Kali nhôm sun phat KAl(SO4)2 AR 500g 8.00588.0250 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate C6H10O3
342 Natri stanat NaSnO3.9H2O CP 500g 8.05740.0250 2-Mercaptoethanol for synthesis C2H6OS; HSCH2CH2OH
343 Axetandehit 40% CH3CHO AR 500ml 1.15433.0050 2-Mercaptoethanol, PA HSCH2CH2OH
344 Oxi già H2O2 30% AR 500ml 8.18339.0250 2-Methoxyphenol C7H8O2
345 Oxit chì vàng PbO AR 500g 8.21901.0100 2-Methylbenzoic acid for synthesis C8H8O2
346 Sắt bột Fe CP 500g 1.06126.0250 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic acid monohydrate C6H13NO4S.H2O
347 Na2EDTA C10H14N2Na2O8.H2O AR 250g 1.06126.0025 2-Morpholinoethanesulfonic-2 acid monohydrate (MES) C6H13NO4S.H2O
348 Amoni pesunphat (NH4)2S2O8 CP 500g 1.06234.0100 2-Naphthol C10H8O
349 Canxi nitrat Ca(NO3)2.4H2O CP 500g 8.22293.0025 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde for synthesis
350 D.Manitol C6H14O6 AR 100g 1.06764.0010 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde reagent
351 Iso Octan C8H18 AR 500ml 8.41747.0001 2-Nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside for synthesis C12H15NO8
352 A.Fumaric CP100g 8.18625.0100 2-Phenylethyl acetate for synthesis
353 Anhydric succinic C4H4O3 CP 100g 8.06806.0100 2-Nitrotoluene for synthesis C7H7NO2
354 Chì axetat Pb(CH3COO)2.PbOH AR 1000g 8.06838.1000 N-Nonane for synthesis
355 Axit Clohydric HCl AR 2500ml 1.00998.1000 2-Propanol for gas chrom. CH3CH(OH)CH3 1kg
356 Amoni xeri sunphat (NH4)2Ce(SO4)2.4H2O AR 25g 1.00998.2500 2-Propanol for gas chrom. CH3CH(OH)CH3
357 Sắt III clorua tinh thể FeCl3.6H2O AR 500g 1.01040.1000 2-Propanol, gradient HPLC CH3CH(OH)CH3
358 Etylen Điamin (NH2CH2)2 CP 500ml 1.09634.1000 2-Propanol, PA CH3CH(OH)CH3 100g
359 iso propanol C3H8O AR 500ml 1.09634.2500 2-Propanol, PA CH3CH(OH)CH3
360 Natri peroxit Na2O2 AR 500g 8.07041.0005 2-Pyrrolidone for synthesis C4H7NO
361 Metylamin CH3NH2 AR 500ml 8.20246.0100 2-tert-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol for synthesis (Butyl hydroxyanisole) (BHA) C11H16O2
362 A.Tactric C4H6O6 AR 500g 1.08180.0025 2-Thiobarbituric acid C4H4N2O2S
363 Canxi oxit CaO AR 500g 8.08469.0100 2-Undecanone C11H22O
364 Butyl axetat C5H1002 AR 500ml 8.00737.0100 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis
365 Xanh metylen C16H18ClN3S.3H2O AR 25g 8.18353.0010 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
366 Natri molipdat Na2MoO4 AR 500g 8.21222.0250 2,3-Dimethylaniline for synthesis C8H11N
367 Kẽm bột Zn AR 500g 8.21221.0005 3,5-Dimethylphenol for synthesis
368 Niken nitrat Ni(NO3)2 AR 500g 8.03075.0100 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl chloride for synthesis C7h3cln2o5
369 Mangan đioxit MnO2 AR 250g 1.01922.0100 3,5-Pyrocatecholdisulfonic acid disodium salt monohydrate
370 Kali iodat KIO3 AR 100g 8.14495.0500 3-Amino-1H-1,2,4-triazole C2H4N4
371 Natri dicromat Na2CrO7.2H2O AR 500g 8.00423.0250 3-Amino-1-propanol
372 Ninhydrin C9H4O3.H2O AR 5g 8.02200.0010 3-Amino-2-chloropyridine for synthesis 3-(NH2)-2-(Cl)C5H3N
373 Amoni pesunphat (NH4)2S2O8 AR 500g 8.14182.0050 3-Amino-5-methylisoxazol C4H6N2O
374 Natri metabisunphit Na2S2O5 AR 500g 8.00420.0005 3-Aminophenol for synthesis 3-(NH2)C6H4OH
375 Metyl thimol xanh C37H44N2O12S AR 5g 8.02637.0250 3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol c3h7clo2
376 Kali bicacbonat KHCO3 AR 500g 8.21276.0250 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde for synthesis
377 Photpho đỏ P AR 500g 8.14201.0025 3-Hydroxy-2-Methyl-4-Pyranone for synthesis C6H6O3
378 Phenolftalein C20H14O4 AR 25g 8.41705.0050 3-Mercapto-1,2-propanediol C3H8O2S 50g
379 Anhydric phtalic C8H4O3 AR 500g 8.41705.0250 3-Mercapto-1,2-propanediol C3H8O2S
380 Para Focmaldehit (CH2O)n AR 500g 8.05967.0100 3-Mercaptopropionic acid for synthesis C3H6O2S
381 Muối Morh (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O AR 500g 8.41399.0025 3-Methyl-2-butanol for synthesis C5H12O
382 Nhôm foil Al AR 500g 1.06129.0025 3-Morpholinopropane sulfonic acid buffer C7H15NO4S
383 Natri xitrat Na3C6H5O7 AR 500g 8.41713.0025 4-(4-Nitrophenylazo)-resorcinol C12H9N3O4
384 A.Sunphamic H2NSO3 AR 100g 8.03057.1000 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde C9H11NO; 4-[(CH3)2N]C6H4CHO 1000g
385 Na2EDTA C10H14N2Na2O8.H2O TQ-CN-25kg 8.03057.0100 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde for synthesis
386 Magiê bột Mg CP 500g 8.03057.0250 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde for synthesis 4-[(CH3)2N]C6H4CHO
387 Thiếc IV clorua SnCl4.5H2O AR 500g 1.03058.0025 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde, PA 4-[(CH3)2N]C6H4CHO
388 Phenol đỏ C19H14O5S Ind 25g 8.22034.0010 4-(Dimethylamino)-cinnamaldehyde C11H13NO
389 Hydrazin sunphat NH2.NH2.H2SO4 AR 100g 1.07299.0250 4-(Methylamino)phenol sulfate C14H20N2O6S
390 Bạc sunphat Ag2SO4 AR 100g 8.08125.0250 4,4'-Bis(dimethylamino)-benzophenone C17H20N2O
391 Sắt III nitrat Fe(NO3)3.9H2O AR 500g 8.21073.0250 4,4'-Diaminodiphenyl sulfone for synthesis
392 Dietylamin (C2H5)2NH AR 500ml 8.01309.0025 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole C2H4N4
393 PVP CP 250g 1.07293.0010 4-amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5 one, PA C11H13N3O
394 Kali Natri tactrat KNaC4H4O6.4H2O TQ-CN-25kg 8.22312.0250 4-Aminobenzoic acid for synthesis
395 iso Butanol C4H9OH AR 500ml 8.00302.0100 4-Aminobutyric acid for synthesis H2NCH2CH2CH2COOH
396 Etylen glycol (C2H2.OH)2 AR 500ml 8.00421.0005 4-Aminophenol for synthesis 4-(NH2)C6H4OH
397 Kali antimoni tactrat C4H4KO7Sb.1/2H2O AR 500g 8.00421.0250 4-Aminophenol for synthesis
1.10962.0001 Ph indicator paper ph 1-14 1.07293.0100 4-Amono-2,3-Dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one, PA C11H13N3O
1.09584.0001 Ph indicator strips non-bleeding Special indicator ph 2.0-9.0 8.02295.1000 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol c7h7clo
1.07241.0005 Phenol red indicator (ph6,4-8,2) C19H14O5S 5g 8.41480.0050 4-Chloroacetanilide for synthesis C8h8clno
1.07241.0025 Phenol red indicator (ph6,4-8,2) C19H14O5S 25g 1.59513.0002 4-Chloroacetanilide Reag.
1.00206.1000 Phenol, PA C6H5OH 8.02613.0500 4-Chloroaniline c6h6cln
1.00206.0250 Phenol, PA C6H5OH 250g 8.02613.0100 4-Chloroaniline for synthesis C6h6cln
1.07233.0025 Phenolphthalein indicator C20H14O4 25g 8.02254.0100 4-Chlorophenol for synthesis C6h5clo; clc6h4oh
1.07233.0100 Phenolphthalein indicator C20H14O4 1.03058.0100 4-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde C9H11NO; 4-[(CH3)2N]C6H4CHO
1.59374.0020 Phenolphthalein Reag. C20H14O4 8.14665.0001 4-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine for synthesis C11h14clno
8.00667.0100 Phenoxyacetic acid for synthesis 8.41619.0100 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid c8h7clo3
8.20993.0250 Phenylacetic acid for synthesis C8H8O2 8.21802.0100 4-Fluorotoluene
8.07250.0250 Phenylhydrazine for synthesis 8.04311.0100 4-Hydroxyacetophenone for synthesis
1.07253.0100 Phenylhydrazinium chloride, PA C6H9ClN2 8.22070.0025 4-Hydroxy-3-Methoxycinnamic acid for synthesis 4-(OH)-3-(OCH3)C6H3CH=CHCO
1.10962.0003 Ph-indicator paper (ph 1-14) 3 cuộn/hộp 8.41410.0025 4-Hydroxybenzhydrazide C7H8N2O2
1.09535.0001 Ph-indicator paper ph0-14 8.21814.0005 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis C7H6O3; M 138.12
1.09526.0001 Ph-indicator paper ph1-10 (4,8m/roll) 8.21814.0250 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis
1.10962.0001 Ph-indicator paper ph1-14 (4,8m/roll) 8.40118.0025 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-acetophenone for synthesis
1.09542.0001 Ph-indicator strips non-bleeding ph 4-7 8.22161.0010 4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid for synthesis
8.18887.0100 Phloroglucinol C6H6O3; C6H3(OH)3 8.07025.0100 4-Isopropylbenzaldehyde for synthesis C10H12O
8.18708.1000 Frmaldehyde, solution 37%, CH2O 8.05795.0250 4'-Methoxyacetophenone for synthesis 4-(CH3O)C6H4COCH3
1.07069.0025 Phloroglucinol (1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene), PA C6H3(OH)3 1.59608.0025 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde (anisaldehyde) Reag. Ph Eur C8H8O2
1.00573.1000 Phosphoric acid, 85%, PA H3PO4 1000g 8.22314.0250 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde for synthesis 4-(CH3O)C6H4CHO
1.00573.2500 Phosphoric acid, 85%, PA H3PO4 8.03269.0250 4-Methyl-1,3-phenylenediamine C7H10N2
1.00565.0500 Phosphoric acid, 99%, PA H3PO4 8.05804.1000 4-Methyl-2-pentanol C6H14O
1.00546.0100 Phosphoric acid, meta-piece, PA  H3PO4 8.06225.0250 4-Metoxy-2-nitroaniline for synthesis 4-(CH3O)-2-(NO2)C6H3NH2
1.00546.0500 Phosphoric acid, meta-pieces, PA  H3PO4 8.06772.0250 4-Nitebenzoyl chloride for synthesis 4-(NO2)c6h4cocl
1.00554.0250 Phosphorous acid 30%, PA H3PO3 8.22292.0250 4-Nitroaniline for synthesis
1.70340.0100 Phosphorus standard solution ICP, 1000 mg/l H3PO4 8.20896.0100 4-Nitrophenol for synthesis C6H5NO3
8.21028.0100 Phthalaldehydic acid for synthesis 2-(CHO)C6H4COOH 1.06798.0025 4-Nitrophenol indicator O2NC6H4OH 25g
1.11452.0005 Phthaldialdehyde for fluormetry (OPA) C6H4(CHO)2 1.06798.0100 4-Nitrophenol indicator O2NC6H4OH
8.21027.0010 Phthaldialdehyde for synthesis C6H4-1,2-(CHO)2 8.06807.0100 4-Nitrotoluene C7H7NO2
1.07297.0001 Phthalein purple metal (pm) indicator C32H32N2O12.H2O 8.06753.0100 4-Pyridinecarboxylic acid hydrazide for synthesis 4-(H2NNHCO)C5H4N
1.09611.0100 Phthalic acid, PA C6H4(COOH)2 1.03059.0005 5-(4-Dimethylaminobenzylidene)-Rhodanine, PA C12H12N2OS2
8.22298.0100 Phthalic acid for synthesis 8.20071.0010 5-Amino-2,3-dihydrophthalazine-1,4-dione (Luminol) C8H7N3O2
8.00592.0100 Phthalic anhydride C8H4O3; C6H4(CO)2O 1.03094.0010 5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl chloride c12h12clno2s
8.00592.1000 Phthalic anhydride for synthesis C8H4O3 1.03094.0001 5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl chloride for biopharmaceutical C12h12clno2s
8.07325.0250 Piperazine anhydrous C4H10N2 1.24807.0001 6-(Furturylamino)pyrine for biopharmaceutical/ Kinetine C10H9N5O
1.09724.0100 Piperidine C5H11N 8.20261.0250 8-Hydroxyquinoline for synthesis C9H7NO
8.07486.1000 Polyethylene glycol 600 for synthesis HO(C2H4O)nH 1.07098.0050 8-Hydroxyquinoline, PA C9H7NO
8.07488.1000 Polyethylene glycol 1000 for synthesis HO(C2H4O)nH 8.14312.0100 Acenaphthene for synthesis
8.17018.5000 Polyethylene glycol 20000 Ph Eur HO(C2H4O)nH 8.20002.0025 Acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal for synthesis CH3CH(OCH3)2
8.17003.1000 Polyethylene glycol 400 Ph Eur 8.00004.0500 Acetaldehyde for synthesis CH3CHO
8.17007.1000 Polyethylene glycol 6000 Ph Eur HO(C2H4O)nH 8.22343.0100 Acetamide C2H5NO; CH3CONH2
1.07443.0100 Polyvidone 25 (C6H9NO)n 1.00011.0005 Acetanilide
1.14266.0100 Polyvinyl alcohol (CH2CHOH)n 1.00010.1000 Acetanilide cryst. Extra pure C8H9NO
1.14275.0010 Ponceau S (CI.27195) C22H12N4Na4O13S4 1.59520.0100 Acetic acid (glacial) 100% anhydrous Reag. Ph Eur
1.04820.1000 Potassium acetate extra pure Ph Eur, BP, E 261 CH3COOK; C2H3KO2 1.00063.1000 Acetic acid glacial, PA CH3COOH 100g
1.08092.0250 Potassium antimony (III) oxide tatrate hemihydrate extra pure C4H4KO7Sb.0,5H2O 1.00063.2500 Acetic acid glacial, PA CH3COOH
1.04912.0100 Potassium bromate, PA KBrO3 8.22278.1000 Acetic anhydride for synthesis (CH3CO)2O
1.04912.0250 Potassium bromate, PA KBrO3 250g 1.00042.1000 Acetic anhydride, PA (CH3CO)2O
1.04907.0100 Potassium bromide for IR spectro. 1.00012.1000 Acetone for gas chromatography CH3COCH3
1.04905.0500 Potassium bromide, PA 1.00020.1000 Acetone, HPLC C3H6O
1.04928.0500 Potassium carbonate, PA 1.00014.1000 Acetone, PA C3H6O 1kg
1.04944.0100 Potassium chlorate, PA KClO3 100g 1.00014.2500 Acetone, PA C3H6O
1.04944.0500 Potassium chlorate, PA KClO3 1.00014.9025 Acetone, PA (giaù 1kg) C3H6O
1.04935.5000 Potassium chloride extra pure KCl 1.00017.1000 Acetonitrile for gas chrom. CH3CN
1.04818.0100 Potassium chloride saturated with silver chloride 3mol/I KCl 1.00030.1000 Acetonitrile, gradient grade, HPLC CH3CN 1kg
1.01254.0500 Potassium chloride solution 1.00030.4000 Acetonitrile, gradient grade, HPLC
1.01203.0500 Potassium chloride solution (1,4 ms/cm) 1.00030.2500 Acetonitrile, gradient grade, HPLC CH3CN
1.01811.0105 Potassium chloride solution (nominal 0.015 ms/cm) 1.14291.1000 Acetonitrile, isocratic, HPLC CH3CN 1kg
1.04817.0250 Potassium chloride solution 3mol/I KCl 1.14291.2500 Acetonitrile, isocratic, HPLC CH3CN
1.04936.1000 Potassium chloride, PA KCl 8.00028.1000 Acetophenone for synthesis
1.04952.1000 Potassium chromate, PA K2CrO4 8.22252.1000 Acetyl chloride c2h3clo
1.04952.0250 Potassium chromate, PA K2CrO4 250g 1.00031.0250 Acetyl chloride, PA CH3COCl
1.04965.1000 Potassium cyanide KCN 8.00023.1000 Acetylacetone C5H8O2
1.04967.1000 Potassium cyanide, PA KCN 1000g 1.09600.0100 Acetylacetone C5H8O2; CH3COCH2COCH3
1.04967.0250 Potassium cyanide, PA KCN 250g 8.00023.0250 Acetylacetone C5H8O2 250g
1.04862.1000 Potassium dichromate extra pure K2Cr2O7 1.09600.0500 Acetylacetone, PA CH3COCH2COCH3
1.04864.1000 Potassium dichromate, PA K2Cr2O7 8.14620.0025 Acetylcholine bromide c7h16brno2
1.04864.0500 Potassium dichromate, PA K2Cr2O7 500g 8.21655.0005 Acridine for synthesis C13H9N
1.09928.0001 Potassium dichromate, solution 1/60M (O,ln) 1.10784.1000 Acrylamide for electrophoresis C3H5NO; CH2CHCONH2
1.04873.1000 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, PA KH2PO4 8.00830.0500 Acrylamide for synthesis
1.05107.1000 Potassium disulfate, PA K2O7S2 1.00638.1000 Acrylamide-bis ready-to-use solution 40% for electrophoresis
1.05056.1000 Potassium disulfite extra pure K2S2O5 8.00181.0100 Axit acrylic : Acrylic acid (stabilised with hydroquinone monomethyl ether) for synthesis C3H4O2;
1.05057.0500 Potassium disulfite, PA K2S2O5 8.00181.1000 Acrylic acid CH2=CHCOOH
1.04994.0250 Potassium fluoride, PA KF 1.02206.0001 Adapter (PTFE) Luer inlet for solvent reservoir, for lichrolut columns of various sizes (10 cái/hộp)
8.17028.1000 Potassium gluconate USP C6H11KO7 1.09224.0001 TUBE-ADAPTER FOR MAS 100 AIRSAMPLER
1.19238.0005 Potassium hexachloroplatinate (IV) 99 Cl6K2Pt; k2ptcl6 1.16802.0025 Agarose for electrophoresis
1.19238.0001 Potassium hexachloroplatinate (IV) 99+ k2ptcl6 1.12018.0005 Albumin
1.04984.0500 Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) trihydrate, PA K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O 1.15640.0001 Aldehyde dehydrogenase lyophilized 100U/vial
1.04973.0100 Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III), PA K3Fe(CN)6 100g 1.06279.0025 Alizarin red (CI.58005) for microscopy C14H6Na2O7S
1.04973.0250 Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III), PA K3Fe(CN)6 1.05229.0025 Alizarin red (CI.58005) for microscopy
1.04984.0100 Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) trihydrate K4Fe(CN)6.3H2O; c6fek4n6.3H2O 8.21944.0100 Alkylbenzyldimethylammmonium chloride for synthesis RC6H5CH2(CH3)2ncl
1.05110.0100 Potassium hexahydroxoantimonate (V) crystal, PA 1.01329.0001 Alpha-Amylase
1.04854.0500 Potassium hydrogen carbonate 8.20051.0100 Aluminium (granulated) Al
1.04867.0050 Potassium hydrogen diiodate KH(IO3)2 8.14917.0100 Aluminium (grit) for synthesis
1.01965.0025 Potassium hydrogen phthalate certified secondary standard C8H5KO4 1.01031.0500 Aluminium ammonium sulfate dodecahydrate NH4Al(SO4)2
1.02400.0080 Potassium hydrogen phthalate secondary reference 8.01082.0100 Aluminium chloride anhydrous for synthesis Alcl3
1.11769.0100 Potassium hydrogen phthalate solution C8H5KO4 8.01081.0100 Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder alcl3; M 133.34
1.04874.1000 Potassium hydrogen phthalate, PA C8H5KO4 8.01081.0500 Aluminium chloride anhydrous powder for synthesis Alcl3
1.04874.0250 Potassium hydrogen phthalate, PA C8H5KO4 250g 1.01056.1000 Aluminium fine powder Al
1.04885.0500 Potassium hydrogen sulfate PA KHSO4 1.01056.0250 Aluminium fine powder
1.05029.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets (max. 0,05% Na) KHSO4 1.01091.1000 Aluminium hydroxide powder pure Al(OH)3
1.05021.0250 Potassium hydroxide pellets (max. 0.002% Na) KOH 1.01086.1000 Aluminium nitrate nonahydrate extra pure Al(NO3)3.9H2O
1.05012.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets pure KOH 1.01092.0500 Aluminium oxide 60 GF254 neutral (type E) for thin-layer-chromatography
1.05021.1000 Potassium hydroxide pellets, PA (max 0.002% Na) 1.01076.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 active basic (0.063-0.2mm) for column chrom.
1.09918.0001 Potassium hydroxide solution 1 mol/l (1 N) -Kali hydroxide KOH 1.01097.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 standardized
1.09114.1000 Potassium hydroxide solution 0,5mol/l (0,5N) 1.01077.1000 Aluminium oxide 90 active neutral
1.09925.0001 Potassium bromate solution 1/60 mol/l (0,1 N)-Kali bromate kbro3 1.01095.1000 Aluminium oxide anhydrous Al2O3
1.05033.1000 Potassium hydroxide, pellets, PA KOH 1.01435.1000 Aluminium oxide anhydrous bead, desiccant Al2O3
1.09921.0001 Potassium hydroxide, solution 0,ln (0,lm) KOH 1.01058.0100 Aluminium oxide granules 1-5mm Al2O3
1.05050.0500 Potassium iodate extra pure KIO3 1.01047.1000 Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate, PA alk(SO4)2.12H2O
1.09917.0001 Potassium iodate solution 1/60mol/l (0.1N) KIO3 1.01102.1000 Aluminium sulfate 18-hydrate extra pure Al2(SO4)3.18H2O
1.05051.0100 Potassium iodate, PA KIO3 100g 1.01102.5000 Aluminium sulfate 18-hydrate extra pure
1.05051.0500 Potassium iodate, PA KIO3 8.14483.1000 Amidosulfonic acid for synthesis H2NSO3H
1.02404.0100 Potassium iodate volumetric standard, secondary ref. Material for iodometry (Kali iodate) KIO3 8.14483.0100 Amidosulfonic acid for synthesis H2NSO3H 100g
2.6846.292 Potassium iodide extra pure KI(Pro) 1.00103.0100 Amidosulfonic acid, PA H2NSO3H
1.05040.1000 Potassium iodide extra pure KI 1.24802.0500 Aminolevulinic acid c5h10clno3
1.05043.1000 Potassium iodide, PA KI 1.59605.0005 Aminophenol-4 Reag.Ph.Eur
1.05079.0100 Potassium metaperiodate, PA (Potassium tetraoxoiodate) KIO4 1.05432.1000 Ammonia solution 25%, PA NH4OH
8.20746.0100 Potassium methylate 1.05423.1000 Ammonia solution 28-30%, PA
1.05061.1000 Potassium nitrate extra pure KNO3 1.05426.1000 Ammonia solution 32% extra pure NH4OH
1.05063.1000 Potassium nitrate, PA KNO3 1.01116.0500 Ammonium acetate, PA NH4CH3COO
1.05063.0500 Potassium nitrate, PA KNO3 500g 1.01220.0100 Ammonium amidosulfonate, PA H2NSO3NH4
1.09122.1000 Potassium permanganate solution 0,02mol/l (0,1N) KMnO4 1.59504.0250 Ammonium carbonate Reag. Ph Eur
1.05082.1000 Potassium permanganate, PA KMnO4 1.59504.0035 Ammonium carbonate Reag.Ph Eur CH6N2O2.CH5NO3
1.05082.0250 Potassium permanganate, PA KMnO4 250g 1.02273.0100 Ammonium cerium (IV) sulfate dihydrate, PA (NH4)4Ce(SO4)4.2H2O
1.09935.0001 Potassium permanganate, solution 0,02M (0,1N) KMnO4 1.02276.0100 Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate ceh8n8o18; (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6]
1.05091.1000 Potassium peroxodisulfate, PA 1.02277.1000 Ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate solution 0.1mol/l (0.1N) (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6
1.05091.0250 Potassium peroxodisulfate, PA K2O8S2 1.01143.0050 Ammonium chloride 99,995 Suprapur NH4Cl
1.08085.1000 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate extra pure C4H4KNaO6.4H2O 1.01145.0500 Ammonium chloride, PA NH4Cl
1.08087.1000 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, PA C4H4KNaO6.4H2O 1.01440.0050 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 99,99 (NH4)H2PO4
1.08087.0500 Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, PA C4H4KNaO6.4H2O 500g 1.01126.0500 Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, PA NH4H2PO4
1.05150.1000 Potassium sulfate extra pure K2SO4 1.01182.1000 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate H24Mo7N6O24.4H2O; (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O
1.05153.1000 Potassium sulfate, PA K2SO4 21276 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate H24Mo7N6O24.4H2O
1.05153.0500 Potassium sulfate, PA K2SO4 500g 1.59050.0050 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate Reag. (NH4)6Mo7O24 x 4H2O
1.05134.0250 Potassium sulfide small lumps K2S 1.01182.0250 Ammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate, PA (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O
1.01961.0025 Potassium tetraoxalate dihydrate C4H3KO8.2H2O 1.03791.1000 Ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate extra pure Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O
1.05125.0250 Potassium thiocyanate, PA KSCN 1.03792.0500 Ammonium iron (II) sulfate hexahydrate, PA Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2x6H2O
1.70342.0100 Potassium ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST KNO3 in HNO3 2-3% 1000mg/1K 1.09864.0001 Ammonium Iron (II) sulfate solution (0,1N) Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2
1.04967.0100 Potassium cyanide, PA KCN 1.03761.1000 Ammonium iron (III) citrate C6H8O7.Fe.NH4
8.00605.0500 Propionic acid 1.03762.1000 Ammonium iron (III) citrate about 18% Fe, DAC
1.59722.0005 Propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Reag. C10H12O3 1.03775.1000 Ammonium Iron (III) sulfate dodecahydrate extra pure fenh4(SO4)2x12h2o
1.07229.1000 Proteose Peptone 1.03776.0500 Ammonium iron (III) sulfate dodecahydrate, PA fenh4(SO4)2x12h2o
1.02441.1000 Pumice stone granular 1.01226.0100 Ammonium monovanadate, PA NH4VO3 100g
1.18981.0001 Pump Isocratic HPLC L7110 - Bôm sắc ký lỏng cao áp 1.01226.0250 Ammonium monovanadate, PA NH4VO3
1.09728.1000 Pyridine, PA C5H5N 1.01187.1000 Ammonium nitrate extra pure NH4NO3
1.09728.0100 Pyridine, PA C5H5N 100g 1.01188.1000 Ammonium nitrate, PA NH4NO3
1.09728.0500 Pyridine, PA C5H5N 500g 1.01188.0500 Ammonium nitrate, PA NH4NO3 500g
8.00614.0100 Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid C7H5NO4 1.01201.1000 Ammonium peroxodisulfate (NH4)2S2O8; H8N2O8S2
8.14345.0050 Pyridinium bromide-perbromide C5H6Br3N, C5H5N.hbr.Br2 1.01201.0100 Ammonium peroxodisulfate (Ammonium persulfate) (NH4)2S2O8; H8N2O8S2
8.22261.0250 Pyrocatechol for synthesis C6H4-1,2-(OH)2 1.01201.0500 Ammonium peroxodisulfate, PA (NH4)2S2O8
1.59614.0005 Pyrocatechol Reag.Ph. C6H4-1,2-(OH)2 1.01211.1000 Ammonium sulfate for biopharmaceutical (NH4)2SO4
8.22302.1000 Pyrogallol for synthesis C6H6O3 1.01217.1000 Ammonium sulfate, PA
1.07518.0025 Pyronine G (C.I. 45005) C17H19ClN2O 1.01217.0100 Ammonium sulfate, PA (NH4)2SO4
1.07495.0010 Pyrrolidine-1-dithiocarboxylic acid ammonium salt 8.01221.1000 Ammonium sulfite (35% solution in water)
8.20170.0100 Pyruvic acid C3H4O3; CH3COCOOH 1.01212.1000 Ammonium thiocyanate extra pure NH4SCN
1.06619.0050 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry C3H3NaO3 50g 1.09079.1000 Ammonium thiocyanate solution 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) NH4SCN
1.06619.0250 Pyruvic acid sodium salt for biochemistry C3H3NaO3 250g 1.01213.0500 Ammonium thiocyanate, PA NH4SCN
8.17014.0250 Quinine DAB C20H24N2O2 1.09900.0001 Ammonium thiocyanate, solution O,ln (O,lm) NH4SCN
8.02407.0250 Quinoline for synthesis C9H7N 1.01208.1000 Ammonium thiosulfate H8N2O3S2; (NH4)2S2O3
1.07419.0050 Raffinose pentahydrate for biopharmaceutical C18H32O16.5H2O 1.16387.0001 Anaerobic jar 2.5 l-volume
1.16955.0001 Reflectometer rqflex Plus 1.01261.0250 Aniline, PA C6H7N 250g
8.22303.0250 Resorcinol for synthesis C6H6O2; C6H4(OH)2 1.01261.1000 Aniline, PA C6H7N
1.07593.0100 Resorcinol, PA C6H4(OH)2 8.01452.0500 Anisole for synthesis
1.59723.7100 Rhein Reag. C15H8O6 8.20109.0100 Anthracene
1.07599.0025 Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170) for microscopy - Chat mau c28h31cln2o3 8.20112.1000 Anthranilic acid for synthesis C7H7NO2
1.06595.0005 Rhodizonic acid disodium salt 8.00465.0100 Anthraquinone C14H8O2
1.01015.0100 Ronacare Allantoin C4H6N4O3 100g 8.01461.0025 Anthrone C14H10O
1.01015.9026 Ronacare Allantoin C4H6N4O3 1.01468.0010 Anthrone, PA C14H10O
1.17076.1000 Ronastar Aqua Sparks 8.14656.0250 Antimony (III) chloride
1.17047.1000 Ronastar Copper Sparks 1.07838.0250 Antimony (III) chloride PA sbcl3
1.17042.1000 Ronastar Golden 8.07837.0100 Antimony (V) chloride for synthesis Sbcl5
1.17459.1000 Ronastar Noble Sparks 1.88005.1000 Apura-combititrant 5 one component reagent
1.17075.1000 Ronastar Purple Sparks 1.88005.0500 Apura-combititrant 5 one component reagent 500g
1.17472.1000 Ronastar Red Sparks 1.88015.1000 Apura-solvent for volumetric Karl Fisher
1.22561.0001 Rotor seal for 7010 1.88010.1000 Apura-titrant 5 for volumetric Karl Fisher
1.22566.0001 Rotor seal for 7125/7126 1.00127.0100 Ascorbic acid, PA (Vitamin C) C6H8O6
1.05914.0001 RP-18 25 HPTLC plates 20 x 10 cm 1.00126.0100 Aspartic Acid for biochemistry
1.05559.0001 RP-18 F254s 20 TLC aluminium sheets 20 x 20 cm (20pcs/box) 1.01301.0050 Auramine (CI.41000) for microscopy
1.07615.0025 Rubilium chloride, PA rbcl 8.20119.0001 Azulene C10H8
1.19249.0001 Ruthenium red 99+ 1.09211.0010 Azure II (C.I 52010/52015)
8.20128.0250 Saccharin for synthesis C7H5NO3S 1.13301.0001 Bactident Aminopeptidase
1.15389.0001 Sắc ký bản mỏng RP-18 F254s 25 TLC plates 20x20 cm 1.11351.0001 Bactident catalase reagent
1.15948.0025 Safranine O (CI.50240) for microscopy C20H19ClNO4 1.00132.0025 Barbituric acid C4H4N2O3
1.00631.1000 Salicylic acid extra pure C7H6O3 8.00133.0100 Barbituric acid for synthesis C4H4N2O3
8.18731.0100 Salicylic acid for synthesis C7H6O3 1.01719.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate bacl2.2H2O
8.07666.0250 Sarcosine C3H7NO2; CH3NHCH2COOH 1.01717.1000 Barium chloride dihydrate extra pure bacl2.2H2O
8.07666.0005 Sarcosine for synthesis C3H7NO2; CH3NHCH2COOH 1.01719.0500 Barium chloride dihydrate, PA bacl2.2H2O
1.07711.1000 Sea sand extra pure 1.01737.0500 Barium hydroxide, PA Ba(OH)2.8H2O
1.07714.1000 Selenium, black, powder Se 1.01729.0500 Barium nitrate, PA Ba(NO3)2
1.07714.0050 Selenium, black, powder Se 50g 1.01738.0250 Barium perchlorate anhydrous, PA Ba(clo4)2
1.70350.0100 Selenium ICP standard seo2 1.24518.0005 Bathocuproinedisulfonic acid disodium salt C26H18N2Na2O6S2
1.70353.0100 Sodium ICP standard 1.01783.1000 Benzene, PA C6H6
1.10180.1000 Silica gel 40 (0,063-0,2mm) 8.00468.0250 Benzenesulfonic acid C6H5SO3H
1.05721.0001 Silica gel 60 25 TLC plates 20x20cm (25tấm.hộp) 8.22257.1000 Benzoic acid for synthesis C7H6O2
1.05626.0001 Silica gel 60 50 TLC plates 10x20cm 1.02401.0060 Benzoic acid volumetric standard
1.07754.0500 Silica gel 60 extra pure for column chrom. (0.063-0.2mm) 1.00136.1000 Benzoic acid, PA C7H6O2
1.10757.1000 Silica gel 60 F254 (0,063-0,2mm) 1.00136.0100 Benzoic acid, PA C7H6O2 100g
1.05554.0001 Silica gel 60 F254 25 TLC (20x20cm) 25 units 1.00136.0250 Benzoic acid, PA C7H6O2; C6H5COOH
1.05715.0001 Silica gel 60 F254 25 TLC plates 20 x 20 cm 8.00131.0250 Benzoic anhydride for synthesis C14H10O3; (C6H5CO)2O
1.05729.0001 Silica gel 60 F254 50 TLC plates 10x20cm 1.59082.0050 Benzoyl chloride Reag.
1.13895.0001 Silica gel 60 F254, 1 mm 15 PLC plates 20 x 20cm 8.18701.1000 Benzyl benzoate for synthesis C6H5COOCH2C6H5
1.07731.1000 Silica gel 60 G for thin-layer chrom. Sio2 8.14363.0500 Benzyldimethyltetradecylammonium chloride c23h42cln.2H2O
1.07734.1000 Silica gel 60 (0.063-0.200 mm) for column chromatography 8.01516.0250 Benzylideneacetone for synthesis C6H5CH=CHCOCH3
1.07730.1000 Silica gel 60 GF254 for thin-layer chrom. Sio2 1.01327.0001 Beta-Amylase
1.07730.0500 Silica gel 60 GF254 for thin-layer HPLC 1.02127.0100 Beta-Cyclodextrine for biopharmaceutical C42H70O35
1.07739.0500 Silica gel 60 HF254 for thin-layer chrom. Sio2 500g 1.04054.0500 Bile Salts mixture
1.05746.0001 Silica gel 60 silanized 25 TLC plates 20x20cm 1.12979.0001 BIOQUANT Total dietary fiber reagent kit (100 tests/hop)
1.01907.1000 Silica gel granules, desiccant (2-5mm) sio2 1.24514.0100 Biotin C10H16N2O3S
1.01969.5000 Silica gel hút ẩm : Silica gel with humidity indicator (orange) desiccant 1-3mm 8.03090.0100 Biphenyl for synthesis C12H10; C6H5C6H5
1.01969.1000 Silica gel with humidity indicator (orange) desiccant 1-3mm 1.17077.1000 Biron LF-2000 (Bismuth oxychloride) biclo
1.01981.1000 Silica gel with moisture indicator (blue gel) desiccant ~ 2 - 5 mm 1.17010.1000 Biron Silver CO
1.01925.1000 Silica gel with moisture (blue gel) 8.21874.1000 Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DOP) for synthesis C6H4-1,2-(COOCH2CH(C2H5)CH
1.09385.1000 Silicagel 60 (0.040-0.063 mm) for column chrom. Sio2 1000g 8.01453.1000 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate C22H42O4
1.09385.2500 Silicagel 60 (0.040-0.063 mm) for column chrom. Sio2 1.01878.0100 Bismuth(III) nitrate basic
1.09385.9025 Silicagel 60 (0.040-0.063 mm) for column chromatography (gia 1kg) sio2 1.09223.0001 Bộ kẹp dùng cho đĩa petri thủy tinh : Tripod quick change adapter for MAS Airsampler
1.07536.0250 Silicium dioxide, PA (Quartz fine granular) sio2 1.07907.0001 Bộ test DNA staining kit acc. To Feulgen
1.07743.0100 Silicon anti-foaming agent 100g 1.00165.1000 Boric acid, PA H3BO3
1.07743.0500 Silicon anti-foaming agent 1.00165.0500 Boric acid, PA H3BO3 500g
1.07537.0100 Silicon dioxide granules (1-4mm) sio2 8.01663.0100 Boron trifluoride-methanol complex for synthesis 100g
1.07742.0100 Silicon oil for oil baths up to 250oc, LAB 8.01663.0500 Boron trifluoride-methanol complex for synthesis 500g
1.12310.0100 Silicon standard solution 1000 mg/l Si (NH4)2sif6 in H2O 8.01962.0250 BRIJ 35 FOR SYNTHESIS 250 G
1.07746.0100 Silicone grease LAB 1.01310.0050 Brilliant green (CI.42040) for microbiology C27H34N2O4S
8.07706.0100 Silicon tetrachloride 1.12553.0025 Coomassie Brilliant blue R 250 (C.I. 42660) for electrophoresis c45h44n3nao7s2
1.07921.0100 Silicone high vacuum grease heavy LAB 1.01374.0025 Brilliant green (hydrogen sulfate) (C.I. 42040) C27H34N2O4S
1.19203.0025 Silver chloride extra pure agcl 1.01651.0025 Bromelain
1.01515.0005 Silver diethyldithiocarbamate, PA C5H10AgNS2 8.20171.0250 Bromine for synthesis Br2
1.09081.1000 Silver nitrate solution 0.1mol/l (0,1 N) AgNO3 1.01948.0050 Bromine, PA Br2
1.01512.0100 Silver nitrate, PA AgNO3 1.01948.0250 Bromine Br2
1.09990.0001 Silver nitrate, solution 0,ln (0,lm) AgNO3 1.59100.0001 Bromocresol green Reag. C21H14Br4O5S
1.01534.0050 Silver sulfate extra pure Ag2SO4 1.08121.0001 Bromocresol green, indicator C21H14Br4O5S 1g
1.01509.0100 Silver sulfate Ag2SO4 1.08121.0005 Bromocresol green, indicator C21H14Br4O5S 5g
1.01509.0025 Silver sulfate, PA Ag2SO4 1.08121.0025 Bromocresol green, indicator C21H14Br4O5S 25g
1.06268.0250 Sodium acetate anhydrous CH3COONa; C2H3NaO2 1.03025.0005 Bromocresol purple indicator C21H16Br2O5S 5g
1.06268.1000 Sodium acetate anhydrous, PA CH3COONa 1.03025.0025 Bromocresol purple, indicator C21H16Br2O5S 25g
1.06265.1000 Sodium acetate trihydrate extra pure CH3COONa.3H2O 1.01940.0250 Bromoform extra pure chbr3
1.06267.1000 Sodium acetate trihydrate, PA 1.11746.0005 Bromophenol blue sodium salt C19H9Br4NaO5S
1.06267.0500 Sodium acetate trihydrate, PA CH3COONa.3H2O 1.08122.0005 Bromophenol blue, indicator C9H10Br4O5S 5g
1.06682.1000 Sodium ammonium hydrogen phosphate tetrahydrate, PA 1.08122.0025 Bromophenol blue, indicator C9H10Br4O5S 25g
1.06277.1000 Sodium arsenite solution 0.05M (0,1N) 1.03026.0005 Bromothymol blue, indicator C27H28Br2O5S 5g
1.06688.0100 Sodium azide extra pure NaN3 1.03026.0025 Bromothymol blue, indicator C27H28Br2O5S 25g
8.22335.0100 Sodium azide for synthesis NaN3 1.01952.0010 Brucine, PA C23H26N2O4
1.06290.1000 Sodium benzoate Ph Eur C6H5COONa 1.09890.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution ph 10.00
1.06348.0050 Sodium bismuthate, PA NaBIO3 1.09882.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500 ml buffer solution ph 2.00
8.06373.0025 Sodium borohydride NaBH4 25g 1.09893.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500ml (ph13)
45288 Sodium borohydride NaBH4 1.09888.0001 Buffer concentrate for 500ml (ph18)
1.06371.0100 Sodium borohydride, PA NaBH4 1.09400.0500 Buffer Solution colour coded: yellow, ph 10
8.18823.0100 Sodium borohydride, PA NaBH4 100g 1.09848.0001 Buffer solution concentrated for 500 ml buffer solution ph 7.00
8.14368.0250 Sodium bromate NaBrO3 1.09846.0001 Buffer solution concentrated ph 4.00
1.06557.0250 Di-Sodium oxalate, PA C2Na2O4 1.09432.1000 Buffer solution ph 1.00
1.06392.0500 Sodium carbonate anhydrous, PA Na2CO3 1.09436.1000 Buffer solution ph 5.00
1.06391.1000 Sodium carbonate decahydrate, PA Na2CO3x10H2O 1.09437.1000 Buffer solution ph 6.00
1.09940.0001 Sodium carbonate solution 0.05 mol/l (0.1N) Na2CO3 1.09460.1000 Buffer solution ph 8.00
1.02405.0080 Sodium carbonate volumetric standard Na2CO3 1.09438.1000 Buffer solution ph10 1000g
1.09945.0001 Sodium chloride solution O,ln (O,lm) 32040 Buffer solution ph10
1.06408.0100 Sodium chloride tablets 9g nacl 1.09433.1000 Buffer solution ph2
1.06404.1000 Sodium chloride, PA nacl 1.09435.1000 Buffer solution ph4
1.06437.1000 Sodium cyanide 1.07294.1000 Buffer solution ph6.88
8.22006.0100 Sodium cyclamate for synthesis C6H11NHSO3Na 1.09439.1000 Buffer solution ph7
1.06504.0250 Sodium deoxycholate C24H39NaO4 1.09461.1000 Buffer solution ph9
1.06336.0250 Sodium dichromate dihydrate, PA Na2Cr2O7.2H2O 1.01645.1000 Buffer solution ph9.22
1.59716.0001 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate Reag. C5H10NNaS2.3H2O 1.99004.0001 Buffer solution SRM ph10
1.06689.0025 Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate trihydrate, PA C5H10NNaS2.3H2O 1.99001.0001 Buffer solution SRM ph4.01
1.06370.0050 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous NaH2PO4 1.09475.0500 Buffer solution SRM ph4; colour: red
1.06342.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate NaH2PO4.2H2O for analysis EMSURE 1.99002.0001 Buffer solution SRM ph7
1.06342.0500 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate NaH2PO4.2H2O for analysis EMSURE 500g 1.09477.0500 Buffer solution SRM ph7; colour: green
1.06345.1000 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate NaH2PO4.2H2O for use as excipient EMPROVE 1.99003.0001 Buffer solution SRM ph9
1.06346.0500 Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, PA NaH2PO4.H2O 1.09476.0500 Buffer solution SRM ph9; colour: blue
1.06528.0100 Sodium disulfite Na2S2O5 1.09468.0100 Buffer tablets ph 7.2
1.06528.5000 Sodium disulfite (sodium metabisulfite) Na2S2O5 1.18303.0025 Butane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chrom. C4h9nao3s
1.06528.1000 Sodium disulfite, PA (metabisulfite) Na2O5S2 1.00984.1000 Butanol-iso (Methylpropan), PA
1.06528.0500 Sodium disulfite, PA (metabisulfite) Na2O5S2Na2O5S2 8.17023.1000 Butylhydroxyanisole C11H16O2
1.06507.0500 Sodium dithionite Na2S2O4 8.17074.1000 Butylhydroxytoluene Ph Eu
8.17034.1000 Sodium dodecyl sulfate Ph Eur C12H25OSO2ONa 8.00457.0100 Butyric acid for synthesis CH3CH2CH2COOH
8.17034.2500 Sodium dodecyl sulfate Ph Eur 1.03256.0010 Cacodylic acid sodium salt trihydrate
8.20871.0250 Sodium ethoxide C2H5NaO; C2H5ONa 1.02004.0250 Cadmium granular, particle size about 3-6mm
1.06449.1000 Sodium fluoride, PA NaF 1.02001.0250 Cadmium powder, particle size about 0,3-1,6mm
1.06449.0250 Sodium fluoride, PA NaF 250g 1.02027.0100 Cadmium sulfate hydrate, PA cdso4.8H2O
8.06455.5000 Sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate dihydrate CH3NaO3S.2H2O 1.02584.1000 Caffeine pure C8H10N4O2
8.06455.1000 Sodium formaldehydesulfoxylate dihydrate for synthesis CH3SO3Na.2H2O 1.59692.0001 Caffeine Reag.
8.17054.1000 Sodium gluconate USP C6H11NaO7 1.02315.0005 Calcein indicator C30H26N2O13
1.06445.1000 Sodium glutamate monohydrate extra pure C5H8NNaO4.H2O 1.09325.0500 Calcium acetate c4h6cao4.H2O
1.02521.0025 Sodium hexanitrocobaltate(III) (sodium cobalt(III)nitrite) Na3[Co(NO2)6]; Co6N6Na3O12 1.02059.0050 Calcium carbonate 99.95% Suprapur caco3
1.06329.1000 Sodium hydrogen carbonate, PA NaHCO3 1.02410.0050 Calcium carbonate volumetric standard, secondary reference material for complexometry caco3
1.06329.0500 Sodium hydrogen carbonate, PA NaHCO3 500g 1.02066.0250 Calcium carbonate, PA caco3
1.01962.0001 Sodium hydrogen carbonate/sodium carbonate certified secondary standard NaHCO3 1.02378.0500 Calcium chloride anhydrous cacl2
1.06340.0050 Sodium hydrogen selenite 1.02382.0250 Calcium chloride dihydrate
1.06352.0500 Sodium hydrogen sulfate monohydrate PA NaHSO4.H2O 1.02381.1000 Calcium chloride dihydrate extra pure cacl2.2H2O 1000g
8.06356.1000 Sodium hydrogen sulfite (solution 39% in water) NaHSO4 1000g 1.42000.5000 Calcium chloride dihydrate extra pure cacl2.2H2O
8.06356.2500 Sodium hydrogen sulfite (solution 39% in water) NaHSO4 1.02382.1000 Calcium chloride dihydrate, PA cacl2.2H2O
1.09141.1000 Sodium hydroxide 0,1mol/l (0,1N) 1.02382.0500 Calcium chloride dihydrate, PA cacl2.2H2O 500g
1.09913.0001 Sodium hydroxide 5M (5N) NaOH 1.02148.1000 Calcium D-saccharate extra pure USP c6h8cao8.4H2O
1.01564.1000 Sodium hydroxide on support, granulated about 1.6-3mm NaOH 1.02094.1000 Calcium gluconate monohydrate extra pure c12h22cao14.H2O
1.09140.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 0,2M (0,2N) NaOH 1.02047.1000 Calcium hydroxide, PA Ca(OH)2
1.09138.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 0,5M (0,5N) NaOH 1.02047.0500 Calcium hydroxide, PA Ca(OH)2 500g
1.09139.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 0.25 mol/l (0.25N) 8.41799.0500 Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ocl)2; cacl2o2
1.09957.0001 Sodium hydroxide solution 0.5 mol (0.5 N) NaOH 8.41799.0100 Calcium hypochlorite for synthesis Cacl2o2
1.09136.1000 Sodium hydroxide solution 2M (2N) NaOH 1.02121.0500 Calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, PA Ca(NO3)2x4h2o
1.06498.1000 Sodium hydroxide, pellets, PA NaOH 1.02106.0500 Calcium oxide cao
1.09959.0001 Sodium hydroxide, solution 0,ln (0,l M) NaOH 1.02107.1000 Calcium oxide from marble large lumps ~ 13-100 mm LAB
1.09956.0001 Sodium hydroxide, solution 1N (1M) NaOH 1.01987.1000 Calcium sulfate anhydrous caso4
1.09137.1000 Sodium hydroxide, solution 1N (1M) NaOH 1000g 1.02161.0500 Calcium sulfate dihydrate, PA caso4 x 2H2O
1.58793.1000 Sodium hydroxide, solution 50%, PA NaOH 1.04594.0050 Calcon (C.I.15705) metal indicator c20h13n2nao5s
1.05614.2500 Sodium hypochlorite solution 1.04595.0005 Calconcarboxylic acid C21H14N2O7S.3H2O
1.06525.0100 Sodium iodate NaIO3 1.20600.9015 Candurin Silver Fine (15kg/box)
1.06523.1000 Sodium iodide, PA NaI 1.20601.1000 Candurin Silver Sheen
1.06523.0100 Sodium iodide, PA NaI 100g 8.20255.0250 Carbazole C12H9N
1.06522.9019 Sodium lactate solution 50% extra pure 1.02223.1000 Carbon tetrachloride, HPLC ccl4
1.06597.0050 Sodium metaperiodate, PA NaIo4 50g 1.02222.1000 Carbon tetrachloride, PA ccl4
1.06597.0250 Sodium metaperiodate, PA NaIo4 1.15933.0005 Carmine (C.I. 75470) C20H15N4NaO6S.3H2O
8.06538.0250 Sodium methylate for synthesis CH3ONa 1.15933.0025 Carmine (C.I. 75470) C20H15N4NaO6S.3H2O 25g
1.06521.1000 Sodium molybdate dihydrate Na2MoO4.2H2O 1.00211.0005 Carminic acid (C.I. 75470)
1.06524.1000 Sodium molybdate dihydrate extra pure 1.50251.0001 Cartridge HPLC 125-4 STAR-RP-18
1.06521.0100 Sodium molybdate dihydrate, PA MoNa2O4x2H2O 100g 235400 Caspase-3 Substrate I, Colorimetric (chai 5mg)
1.06521.0250 Sodium molybdate dihydrate, PA MoNa2O4x2H2O 218805 Caspase-9 Substrate II, Colorimetric (chai 5mg)
1.06537.0500 Sodium nitrate, PA NaNO3 264155 Caspase-3 Inhibitor II (chai 250ug)
1.06537.1000 Sodium nitrate for analysis 218759 Caspase-8 Inhibitor II (chai 250ug)
1.06549.0100 Sodium nitrite, PA NaNO2 100g 218761 Caspase-9 Inhibitor I (chai 250ug)
1.06549.0500 Sodium nitrite, PA NaNO2 208925 Camptothecin, Camptotheca acuminata (chai 50mg)
1.06541.0100 Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate c5fen6na2o.2H2O; Na2[Fe(CN)5NO].2H2O 1.02241.1000 Casein solube in alkali
1.06541.0025 Sodium nitroprusside dihydrate, PA Na2[Fe(CN)5NO].2H2O 1.02693.0250 Celite 545 (0,02-0,1mm)
1.06560.1000 Sodium perborate trihydrate pure nabo2.H2O2.3H2O 1.02693.1000 Celite 545 particle size 0.02-0.1mm
1.06564.0100 Sodium perchlorate monohydrate, PA naclo4.H2O 1.02352.0025 Cellobiose for biopharmaceutical C12H22O11
1.06564.0500 Sodium perchlorate monohydrate, PA 1.02322.0050 Cellulase (0.3U/mg)
1.06563.0100 Sodium peroxide, PA Na2O2 1.05730.0001 Cellulose 50 TCL plates 10x20cm
1.06609.0500 Sodium peroxodisulfate, PA Na2S2O8 1.02331.0500 Cellulose microrystalline
1.06529.1000 Sodium polyphosphate extra pure (NaPO3)n 1.09092.1000 Cerium (IV) sulfate solution 0,1mol/l (0,1N) Ce(SO4)2
1.06601.0250 Sodium salicylate, PA C7H5NaO3 1.02274.0025 Cerium (IV) sulfate tetrahydrate, PA Ce(SO4)2x4h2o
1.06607.0025 Sodium selenite pentahydrate 1.02274.0100 Cerium(IV) sulfate tetrahydrate Ce(SO4)2.4H2O
1.05621.2500 Sodium silicate solution extra pure Na2SiO3 1.02038.0025 Cesium chloride, PA cscl
1.19507.0500 Sodium standard solution 8.18704.1000 Cetyl alcohol for synthesis C16H34O; CH3(CH2)15OH
1.06649.1000 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, PA Na2SO4 1.02184.1000 Charcoal activated powder extra pure
1.06649.0500 Sodium sulfate anhydrous, PA Na2SO4 500g 1.02183.1000 Charcoal activated pure C
1.06648.1000 Sodium sulfate decahydrate, PA Na2SO4.10H2O 1.02514.1000 Charcoal activated, granular 1.5mm extra pure C
1.06638.0250 Sodium sulfide hydrate, PA Na2S.H2O 1.02518.1000 Charcoal activated, granular 2.5mm C
1.06652.1000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous extra pure Na2SO3 1.02186.1000 Charcoal activated, PAC
1.06657.1000 Sodium sulfite anhydrous, PA 1.02186.0250 Charcoal activated, PAC 250g
1.06657.0500 Sodium sulfite anhydrous, PA Na2SO3 1.12576.0001 Chemizorb Hg absorbent for mercury
1.06664.0100 Sodium tartrate dihydrate 1.02051.0500 Chemizorb powder absorbent for spilled liquids
8.24494.0250 Sodium tetrakis(3,5- bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)borate dihydrate C32H12BF24Na.2H2O 1.02425.1000 Chloral hydrate C2H3Cl3O2
1.06669.0010 Sodium tetraphenyl borate, PA C24H20BNa 10g 1.59121.0025 Chloral hydrate Reag. Ph Eur - emd230310s3
1.06669.0025 Sodium tetraphenyl borate, PA C24H20BNa 1.02424.1000 Chloramine T trihydrate extra pure CH3C6H4SO2NClNa.3H2O
1.06691.0500 Sodium thioglycolate C2H3NaO2s 8.18705.0250 Chloramine T trihydrate for synthesis 4-(CH3)C6H4SO2NClNa.3H2O
1.06691.0100 Sodium thioglycolate for microbiology C2H3NaO2s 1.59123.0025 Chloramine T trihydrate Reag.Ph. CH3C6H4SO2NClNa.3H2O
1.06512.2500 Sodium thiosulfate anhydrous Na2S2O3 1.02426.0250 Chloramine T trihydrate, PA CH3C6H4SO2NClNa.3H2O
1.06513.2500 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate extra pure Na2S2O3.5H2O 8.41528.0050 Chloranilic acid C6H2Cl2O4
1.06516.1000 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, PA Na2S2O3.5H2O 1.14401.0001 Chloride test Aquaquant 5-10-20-40-75-150-300mg/l - 300tests
1.06516.0500 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, PA Na2S2O3.5H2O 500g 1.14803.0001 Chlorine Test for swimming pools Spectroquant, Method: photometric,
1.09147.1000 Sodium thiosulfate solution 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) Na2S2O3 1.14979.0001 Chlorine test (low) in drinking water Refill pack for 1.14978.0001
1.09950.0001 Sodium thiosulfate, solution O,ln (O,lm) Na2S2O3 1.14670.0001 Chlorine Test in freshwater and seawater Aquamerck Method: colorimetric
1.09909.0001 Sodium thiosulfate, solution 0.01N (0.1M) Na2S2O3 1.17923.0001 Chlorine Test Paper with colour scale 3 rolls of 4 m 0-500 mg/l Cl2 (3cuon/hop)
1.06673.0250 Sodium tungstate dihydrate, PA Na2WO4.2H2O 8.00412.0100 Chloroacetic acid for synthesis Clch2cooh
8.40123.1000 Span 80 for synthesis C24H44O6 8.01791.2500 Chlorobenzene for synthesis C6H5Cl
8.14605.0100 Squalane C30H62 1.02432.1000 Chloroform for gas chrom. CHCl3
1.01008.0250 ß-Alanine for biochemistry C3H7NO2 1.02444.1000 Chloroform, HPLC (stabilized with Methyl-2 Butene-2) cHCl3
1.70204.0500 Standard Antimony solution 1.02445.1000 Chloroform, PA cHCl3 1000g
1.19780.0500 Standard Chromate solution 1000 mg/l cro4²¯ 1.02445.2500 Chloroform, PA cHCl3
1.70218.0100 Standard Germanium solution 1000 mg/l Ge (NH4)2gef6 1.02450.0100 Chloroform-D1 Deuteration cdcl3
1.70301.0100 Standard ICP Aluminium 1000 mg/l Al 1.03024.0005 Chlorophenol red indicator
1.70303.0100 Standard ICP Arsenic 1000 mg/l As 1.03024.0010 Chlorophenol red indicator C19H12Cl2O5S
1.70304.0100 Standard ICP Barium 1000 mg/l Ba 1.02333.0250 Chlorotrimethylsiane for gas chrom. (CH3)3sicl
1.19159.0001 Dung dịch chuẩn kiểm tra máy sắc ký-Standard samples for HPLC system qualification 1.02483.1000 Chromium (III) oxide anhydrous Cr2O3
1.70308.0100 Standard ICP Calcium 1000 mg/l Ca 1.00229.0250 Chromium (VI) oxide, PA cro3
1.09943.0001 Dung dịch chuẩn Canxi : Calcium standard 1000 mg Ca 1.59620.0001 Chromotrope II B (CI.16575) Reag.
1.70314.0100 Standard ICP Copper 1000 mg/l Cu 1.02498.0025 Chromotropic acid disodium salt dihydrate, PA C10H6Na2O8S2.2H2O
1.70331.0100 Standard ICP Magnesium 1000 mg/l Mg 1.59621.0005 Cineole (Eucalyptol) Reag. C10H18O
1.70332.0100 Standard ICP Manganese 1000 mg/l Mn 8.18707.1000 Citric acid anhydrous C6H8O7
1.70333.0100 Standard ICP Mercury 1000 mg/l Hg 1.00244.1000 Citric acid monohydrate, PA C6H8O7xH2O
1.70336.0100 Standard ICP Nickel 1000 mg/l Ni 1.00244.0500 Citric acid monohydrate, PA C6H8O7xH2O 500g
1.70365.0100 Standard ICP Silicon 1000 mg/l Si 1.50958.0001 Cột bảo vệ sắc ký lichrocart 4-4 lichrospher 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC guard column
1.70354.0100 Standard ICP Strontium 1000 mg/l Sr 1.50959.0001 Cột bảo vệ sắc ký : lichrocart 4-4 lichrospher 100 CN (5 µm) HPLC guard column
1.10322.0100 Standard multi-element VII for Cation chroma. 1.50032.0001 Cột sắc ký lichrocart 250-4, 6 Purospher STAR RP-8E (5 µm) cartridge
1.02406.0080 Standard Sodium chloride volumetric 1.02014.0001 Cột lọc SPE - lichrolut RP-18 (40-63µm) 200 mg 3ml standard PP-tubes 50 cái/hộp
1.19514.0100 Standard Tellurium solution 1000 mg/l Te h6teo6 1.50834.0001 Cột sắc ký lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 NH2 (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
1.15053.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Calcium 1.15096.0001 Cột trích lọc Extrelut NT 20 pre-packed columns 25 pieces/box
1.15051.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Lead 1.19687.0001 Cột trích lọc : lichrolut RP-18 (40-63 µm) 500 mg 6ml standard PP-tubes 30 extraction tubes
1.15057.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Magnesium 1.02023.0001 Cột trích lọc lichrolut RP-18 (40-63µm) 500 mg 3ml standard 50 tubes
1.15054.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Potassium 1.19847.0001 Cột trích lọc lichrolut RP-18 E (40-63µm) 200 mg 3ml standard 50 tubes
1.15058.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Sodium 1.19849.0001 Cột trích lọc lichrolut RP-18 E (40-63µm) 500 mg 3ml standard 50 tubes
1.15060.0100 Standard-dissolved in oil-Zinc 1.02529.0100 Cobalt (II) acetate tetrahydrate, PA coc4h6o4.4H2O
1.70311.0100 Standard-ICP Cerium 1000 mg/l Ce Ce(NO3)3 1.02539.0100 Cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate, PA cocl2.6H2O 100g
1.70345.0100 Standard-ICP-Rhodium 1.02539.0250 Cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate, PA cocl2.6H2O
1.11437.0500 Standard-multi-element I Anion 1.02536.0100 Cobalt (II) nitrate hexahydrate, PA con2o6.6H2O
1.70399.0500 Standard-multi-element IC IIB 1.02554.0050 Cobalt (II) nitrate hexahydrate, PA,  (max 0.001% Ni) con2o6.6H2O
1.19770.0500 Standard-solution Aluminium 1.02536.0250 Cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate Co(NO3)2.6H2O
1.19812.0500 Standard-solution Ammonium 1.02556.0250 Cobalt(II) sulfate heptadrate coso4.7H2O
1.70204.0100 Standard-solution Antimony 1000 mg/l Sb Sb2O3 1.17010.9025 Color-Biron Silver
1.19773.0100 Standard solution Arsenic 1000 mg/l As H3AsO4 1.17272.1000 Color-Colorona Carmine-Red
1.19774.0100 Standard-solution Barium 1000mg/l Ba Ba(NO3)2 1.17389.1000 Color-Colorona Magenta
1.19773.0500 Standard-solution Arsenic 1.17322.1000 Color-Colorona Red Brown
1.19774.0500 Standard-solution Barium 1.17191.1000 Color-Dichrona RB
1.19775.0500 Standard-solution Beryllium 1.17463.1000 Colorona Blackstar Blue
1.19804.0500 Standard-solution Bismuth 1.17405.1000 Colorona Bordeaux
1.19500.0500 Standard-solution Boron 1.17321.1000 Colorona Bright Gold
1.19777.0500 Standard-solution Cadmium 1.17353.1000 Colorona Bronze
1.19778.0500 Standard-solution Calcium 1.17052.1000 Colorona Glitter Chameleon
1.19778.0100 Standard-solution Calcium 1000mg/l Ca Ca(NO3)2 1.17273.1000 Colorona Imperial red
1.02612.0500 Standard-solution Cerium 1.17190.1000 Colorona Majestic Green
1.19897.0500 Standard-solution Chloride 1.17479.1000 Color-Timiron Splendid Violet
1.19779.0500 Standard-solution Chromium 1.17359.1000 Color-Timiron Super Violet
1.19779.0100 Standard-solution Chromium 1000 mg/l Cr Cr(NO3)3 1.09255.0500 Combicoulomat frit Karl Fischer reagent
1.19785.0500 Standard-solution Cobalt 1.88009.1000 Combimethanol Solvent for volumetric Karl Fischer CH3OH
1.19786.0500 Standard-solution Copper (II) 1.01340.0025 Congo red (C.I. 22120) indicator C32H22N6Na2O6S2
1.19786.0100 Standard-solution Copper 1000mg/l Cu Cu(NO3)2 1.05233.0025 Congo Red (CI.22120)
1.19814.0500 Standard-solution Fluoride 1.02711.0250 Copper (II) acetate monohydrate, PA
1.70216.0500 Gold Standard solution 1.02733.1000 Copper (II) chloride dihydrate, PA cucl2x2h2o
1.19781.0500 Standard-solution Iron 1.02733.0250 Copper (II) chloride dihydrate, PA cucl2x2h2o 250g
1.09972.0001 Standard-solution Iron 1000 mg 1.02753.0250 Copper (II) nitrate trihydrate PA Cu(NO3)2x3h2o
1.19776.0500 Standard-solution Lead 1.02791.0250 Copper (II) sulfate anhydrous, PA
1.70223.0500 Standard-solution Lithium 1.02787.1000 Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate extra pure cuso4x5h2o
1.19788.0500 Standard-solution Magnesium VN-GINOX-25 Giá Inox để ống nghiệm Φ25, 50 lỗ
1.19788.0100 Standard-solution Magnesium 1000mg/l Mg Mg(NO3)2 1.02790.0250 Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate, PA cuso4x5h2o
1.19789.0500 Standard-solution Manganese 1.02703.0250 Copper fine powder Cu
1.19789.0100 Standard-solution Manganese 1000mg/l Mn Mn(NO3)2 1.02738.1000 Copper(I) chloride extra pure cucl
1.70226.0500 Standard-solution Mercury 1.09288.1000 Copper(II) ethylenediamine solution
1.70227.0500 Standard-solution Molybdenum 1.02792.1000 Copper(II) sulfate anhydrous extra pure cuso4
1.19792.0500 Standard-solution Nickel 8.22316.0250 Coumarin
1.19811.0500 Standard-solution Nitrate 8.41470.0050 Creatine monohydrate for synthesis C4H9N3O2.H2O
1.19899.0500 Standard-solution Nitrite 1.05206.0050 Creatinine for biochemistry C4H7N3O
1.14282.0100 Standard-solution Palladium 1000 mg/l Pd Pd(NO3)2 1.05225.0005 Cresol red indicator C21H18O5S
1.14282.0500 Standard-solution Palladium 1.01408.0025 Crystal violet (CI.42555) C25H30ClN3
1.19898.0500 Standard-solution Phosphate 1.15940.0025 Crystal violet (CI.42555) for microscopy
1.70219.0500 Standard-solution Platinum 1.40824.9025 CSB 100 (gia 1 kg)
1.70230.0500 Standard-solution Potassium 8.20354.0010 Curcumin for synthesis [4-(OH)-3-(CH3O)C6H3CH=CHCO
1.70230.0100 Standard-solution Potassium 1000mg/l K KNO3 1.14724.0001 Cuvet dạng ống có nắp vặn (Empty cells 16mm with screw caps Spectroquant) 25 pieces/box
1.19796.0500 Standard-solution Selenium 1.14946.0001 Cuvet vuông 10mm (Rectangular Cell 10mm) 2 pieces
1.12310.0500 Standard-solution Silicon 1.14947.0001 Cuvet vuông 20mm (Rectangular Cell 20mm) 2 pieces
1.09947.0001 Standard-solution Silicon 1000 mg 1.14944.0001 Cuvet vuông 50mm (Rectangular Cell 50mm) 2 pieces
1.19797.0500 Standard-solution Silver 1.02827.1000 Cyclohexane, HPLC C6H12
1.70238.0500 Standard-solution Sodium 1.09666.1000 Cyclohexane, PA C6H12
1.19799.0100 Standard-solution Strontium 1000 mg/l Sr Sr(NO3)2 1.02888.1000 Cyclohexanone extra pure 1000g
1.19799.0500 Standard-solution Strontium 1.02888.2500 Cyclohexanone extra pure
1.19813.0500 Standard-solution Sulfate 8.02885.1000 Cyclohexylamine C6H13N; C6H11NH2
1.70242.0500 Standard-solution Tin 8.41245.0005 Cyclopentadecanone for synthesis C15H28O
1.70243.0500 Standard-solution Titanium 8.02670.0250 Cyclopentanone C5H8O
1.70244.0500 Standard-solution Tungsten 1.16729.0001 Cell adapter RQ flex
1.19805.0500 Standard-solution Tungsten (in NH4OH 0.05M) 1.04007.0250 D(-)-Fructose for biopharmaceutical C6H12O6
1.70245.0500 Standard-solution Vanadium 1.05323.0250 D(-)-Fructose for microbiology C6H12O6
1.19806.0500 Standard-solution Zinc 1.05983.0250 D(-)-Mannitol for the determination of boric acid C6H14O6
1.19806.0100 Standard-solution Zinc 1000mg/l Zn Zn(NO3)2 1.24514.0001 D(+)-Biotin (Vitamin H) C10H16N2O3S
1.70234.0100 Standard-solution Zirconium 1000 mg/l Zr zrocl2 1.04058.0025 D(+)-Galactose for biochemistry C6H12O6
1.01252.0250 Starch soluble 8.41864.0025 D-(+)-Glucuronolactone for synthesis C6H8O6
1.01253.1000 Starch soluble extra pure (C6H10O5)n 1.08337.0250 D(+)-Glucose anhydrous for biopharmaceutical C6H12O6
1.01252.1000 Starch soluble, PA (C6H10O5)n 1.05388.0025 D(+)-Mannose for biopharmaceutical C6H12O6
1.01252.0100 Starch soluble, PA (C6H10O5)n 100g 1.08689.0025 D(+)-Xylose for biopharmaceutical C5H10O5 25g
8.00673.1000 Stearic acid for synthesis C17H35COOH 1.08689.0100 D(+)-Xylose for biopharmaceutical C5H10O5 100g
8.00673.0500 Stearic acid for synthesis C17H35COOH 500g 1.14667.0001 Dây truyền tín hiệu cho máy quang phổ (PC cable for photometers)
8.07680.1000 Stearyl alcohol C18H38O; CH3(CH2)17OH 8.03101.0100 Decahydronaphthalene for synthesis C10H18
8.07680.0100 Stearyl alcohol for synthesis C18H38O; CH3(CH2)17OH 8.02169.0100 Decanoic acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)8COOH
1.10274.0001 Sterikon for checks on autoclaving 8.03528.0100 Diacetyl for synthesis CH3COCOCH3
1.10274.0002 Sterikon plus Bioindicator 1.01154.0500 Di-Ammonium hydrogen citrate, PA C6H8O7.2NH3
1.07865.0250 Strontium chloride hexahydrate, PA 1.01207.0500 Di-Ammonium hydrogen phosphate, PA (NH4)2HPO4
1.07872.0250 Strontium nitrate Sr(NO3)2 1.01192.0250 Di-Ammonium oxalate monohydrate, PA (NH4)2C2O4.H2O
8.07679.1000 Styrene (stabilised) for synthesis C8H8 1.03604.0050 Diastase for biopharmaceutical
8.07679.0100 Styrene (stabilised) for synthesis C8H8 100g 8.01522.0100 Dibenzyl ether
8.22260.0250 Succinic acid for synthesis HOOCCH2CH2COOH 1.00163.0250 Di-Boron trioxide for silicate analysis B2O3
1.07687.1000 Sucrose (saccharose) for biochemistry C12H12O11 8.02892.1000 Dibutyl ether for synthesis (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2O
1.15928.0025 Sudan Black B (C.I 26150) 8.00919.1000 Dibutyl phthalate for synthesis C16H22O4; C6H4(COOC4H9)2; C6H4[COO(CH2)3CH3]2
1.11799.0100 Sulfanilamide, PA C6H8N2O2S 8.00919.0100 Dibutyl phthalate for synthesis C6H4[COO(CH2)3CH3]2
8.22338.1000 Sulfanilic acid for synthesis 4-(NH2)C6H4SO3H 8.03222.1000 Dibutylamine for synthesis (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2NH
8.22338.0100 Sulfanilic acid for synthesis 4-(NH2)C6H4SO3H 100g 8.04184.0005 Dibutyltin dichloride C8H18Cl2Sn; M 303.83
1.00686.0100 Sulfanilic acid, PA NH2C6H4SO3H 8.03541.0250 Dichloroacetic acid for synthesis C2H2Cl2O2
1.00686.0250 Sulfanilic acid, PA NH2C6H4SO3H 250g 1.10888.0100 Dichloroisocyanuric acid dihydrate, PA C3Cl2N3NaO3.2H2O
1.11148.0001 Sulfite Test Aquamerck 1.06054.1000 Dichloromethane for gas chrom. CH2Cl2
8.07993.0250 Sulfolane for synthesis C4H8O2S 1.06044.1000 Dichloromethane, HPLC CH2Cl2
1.09074.1000 Sulfuric acid 0,05 mol/l (0,1 N) H2SO4 1.06050.1000 Dichloromethane, PA CH2Cl2
1.00714.1000 Sulfuric acid 96% H2SO4 8.18248.0100 Dichlorophenylphosphine oxide C6H5Cl2OP
1.12080.1000 Sulfuric acid 98%, PA H2SO4 1.17193.1000 Dichrona RY
1.00731.1000 Sulfuric acid, 95-97 %, PA H2SO4 8.02948.0100 Dicyclohexylamine
1.09981.0001 Sulfuric acid, solution 1N (0,5M) H2SO4 1.16205.1000 Diethanolamine C4H11NO2; NH(CH2CH2OH)2
1.09072.1000 Sulfuric acid, solution 1N (0,5M) H2SO4 1000g 8.03116.1000 Diethanolamine for synthesis NH(CH2CH2CH)2
1.09984.0001 Sulfuric acid, solution O,ln (0,05M) H2SO4 8.41751.0005 Diethyl dicarbonate for synthesis (C2H5OCO)2O
1.00761.1000 Sulfurous acid 5-6%, PA 1.00921.1000 Diethyl ether, PA (C2H5)2O
1.00773.1000 Tannic acid 8.03010.1000 Diethylamine for synthesis (C2H5)2NH
8.08616.0250 Taurine C2H7NO3S 8.02934.0250 Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (stabilised) for synthesis
1.06177.2500 TBE buffer 10 x ph 8.3 tris-borate-EDTA buffer 8.03127.1000 Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether for synthesis C6H14O3
1.14423.0002 AMMONIUM TEST 0.2 - 8 MG/L 200 TESTS 1.08390.0250 Diethylenetriamine pentaaceticacid C14H23N3O10
1.09629.0500 Tert-Butanol 8.03131.1000 Diethylene glycol for synthesis
8.22264.1000 Tert-Butanol for synthesis C4H10O; (CH3)3COH 8.18454.0100 Dihydrocoumarin C9H8O2
8.14006.0250 Tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (70% solution in water) for synthesis 8.18831.1000 Diisobutyl ketone for synthesis C9H18O
8.18109.1000 Tert-Butyl methyl ether for synthesis C5H12O; (CH3)3COCH3 8.00866.1000 Diisopropyl ether for synthesis [(CH3)2CH]2O
1.01845.1000 Tert-Butyl methyl ether, HPLC (CH3)3COCH3 1.00867.1000 Diisopropyl ether, PA [(CH3)2CH]2O
1.01849.1000 Tert-Butyl methyl ether, PA C5H12O 8.03646.1000 Diisopropylamine for synthesis
1.17922.0001 PERACETIC ACID TEST 0 - 500 - 1000 - 150 1.05699.1000 Di-Lithium tetraborate, PA Li2B4O7
1.14801.0001 Test Chlorine (0,1-2mg/l) 1.05699.0100 Di-Lithium tetraborate, PA Li2B4O7 100g
1.17927.0001 ARSENIC TEST (HIGHLY SENSITIVE) 0.005 - 1.06013.0025 Dimedone, PA C8H12O2
1.16978.0001 Test Phosphate Method: reflectometric 5 - 120 mg/l    50 1.02950.0500 Dimethyl sulfoxide for spectroscopy Uvasol C2H6OS; (CH3)2SO
1.16892.0001 Test Reflectoquant Ammonium Method: reflectometric 0.2 - 7.0 mg/l   50 8.02912.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide for synthesis (CH3)2SO
1.16991.0001 Test Reflectoquant Manganese Method: reflectometric 0.5 - 45.0 mg/l   50 1.02952.1000 Dimethyl sulfoxide GR for analysis C2H6OS; (CH3)2SO
1.31200.0001 Test Strip HY-rise Colour Hygiene Package (50 tests) - Test thử độ sạch bề mặt 1.02952.2500 Dimethyl sulfoxide, PA (DMSO) (CH3)2SO
1.14421.0001 Test-Aqua Color (5-150) 1.03055.0010 Dimethyl yellow (CI.11020) indicator/Dimethylaminoazobenzene C14H15N3
1.14417.0001 Test-Aqua Cyanide (0,002-0,03mg/l) 8.22033.1000 Dimethylamine for synthesis
1.14403.0001 Test-Aqua Iron (0.01-0.2 mg/l) 1.03062.0100 Dimethylglyoxime C4H8N2O2
1.14424.0001 Test-Aqua Nitrite (0.1-2mg/l) 1.12130.0001 Dimidium bromide for surfactant tests c20h18brn3
1.14416.0001 Test-Aqua sulfide (0.02-0.25mg/l) 1.59697.7100 Dimidium bromide Reag. C20h18brn3
1.11151.0001 Test-Aqua Water for laboratory 1.09669.0100 Dinonyl phthalate for gas chrom. (DNP) C26H42O4
1.11109.0001 Test-Aquamerck Alkalinity (0,1-10mmol/l) 1.12668.0001 DIOL Bản mỏng sắc ký F254s 25 HPTLC plates 10 x 10 cm
1.14657.0001 Test-Aquamerck Ammonium (0,5-10mg/l) 8.20528.0100 Diphenylamine for synthesis (C6H5)2NH
1.11106.0001 Test-Aquamerck Chloride Method: titrimetric (mercurimetric) 2-200mg/l 1.59153.0025 Diphenylamine Reag. (C6H5)2NH
1.11169.0001 Test-Aquamerck Nitrate in freshwater 10 - 150 mg/l  100 tests 1.03086.0100 Diphenylamine, PA (C6H5)2NH
1.08025.0001 Test-Aquamerck Nitrite (0.025-0.5mg/l) 1.00255.0005 Diphenylamine-4-sulfonic acid barium salt redox indicator c24h20ban2o6s
1.14662.0001 Test-Aquamerck Oxygen (1-12mg/l) 1.59699.0003 Diphenylcarbazone Reag.
1.08021.0001 Test-Aquamerck Phosphate & Silicate (1-10 & 0.3-3mg/l) 8.21872.0100 Diphenyl sulfone for synthesis C12H10O2S
1.08045.0001 Test-Aquamerck Silicate (Silicic acid) BR refill pack 1.00570.0100 Di-Phosphorus pentoxide, PA
1.11138.0001 Test-Aquamerck Phosphate (1-10mg/l) 1.00570.0500 Di-Phosphorus pentoxide, PA P2O5
1.08046.0001 Test-Aquamerck Phosphate (Rrefill pack for 1.11138.0001) 1.05101.1000 Di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous extra pure K2HPO4
1.14661.0001 Test-Aquamerck Phosphate Test in fresh and sea water, 0.25-3.0 mg/l; 100 tests 1.05104.1000 Di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, PA K2HPO4
1.08039.0001 Test-Aquamerck Total Hardness (340 tests) 1.05099.1000 Di-Potassium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate, PA K2HPO4.3H2O
1.08033.0001 Test-Aquamerck Total Hardness Refill pack for 1.08039.0001 (300 tests) 1.05072.1000 Di-Potassium oxalate extra pure k2c2o4xh2o
1.14413.0001 Test-Aquaq Aluminium colorimetric 0.07-0.8 mg/l Al (185 tests/box) 1.05073.1000 Di-Potassium oxalate monohydrate, PA K2C2O4.H2O
1.14428.0001 Test-Aquaq Ammonium 0.025-0.4 mg/l NH4+   60 Tests 1.05073.0250 Di-Potassium oxalate monohydrate, PA K2C2O4.H2O 250g
1.00687.0001 Testkit BOD Cell Test Method: 0.5-3000 mg/l  Spectroquant (50 tests/box) 8.22080.0100 Di-Potassium phthalate for synthesis C8H4K2O4
1.00718.0001 Test thử BOD : BOD Standard (analogous to EN 1899) for 10 x 1l standard solution 8.03548.0500 Dipropylamine for synthesis
1.14541.0001 Testkit-COD Cell Test Method 100-1500 Spectroquant 1.06585.5000 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous extra pure Na2HPO4
1.14540.0001 Testkit-COD Cell Test Method 10-150 Spectroquant 1.06586.0500 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, PA Na2HPO4
1.14560.0001 Testkit  COD : COD Cell Test Method: photometric 4.0 - 40.0 mg/l   25 Tests Spectroquant 1.06580.1000 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, PA Na2HPO4.2H2O
1.14691.0001 Testkit-COD Cell Test Method: photometric 300 - 3500 mg/l   25 Tests Spectroquant 1.06580.0500 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, PA Na2HPO4.2H2O 500g
1.10015.0001 Test-Mercko Aluminium (10-250mg/l) 1.06573.5000 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate cryst. EMPROVE Ph Eur,BP,
1.10024.0001 Test-Mercko Ammonium (10-400mg/l) 1.06579.0500 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, PA Na2HPO4.12H2O
1.10026.0001 Test-Mercko Arsenic (0,1-3mg/l) 1.06575.1000 Di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate Na2HPO4.7H2O; M 268.03
1.16981.0001 Ascorbic Acid Test Method: reflectometric with test strips 25 - 450 mg/l Reflectoquant® 1.06557.1000 Di-Sodium oxalate, PA Na2C2O4
1.10023.0001 Test-Mercko Ascorbic acid (50-2000mg/l) 1.06557.0250 Di-Sodium oxalate, PA C2Na2O4 250g
1.10081.0001 PEROXIDE TEST 1 - 3 - 10 - 30 - 100 MG/L 1.06663.0250 Di-Sodium tartrate dihydrate, PA C4H4Na2O6.2H2O
1.14406.0001 MANGANESE TEST 0.03 - 0.06- 0.1 - 0.15 - 1.06303.1000 DI-NATRIUMTETRABORAT-DECAHYDRAT REINST P
1.10083.0001 Test-Mercko Calcium (10-100mg/l) 1.06309.0025 Di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous
1.10648.0001 Test-Mercko Carbonate Hardness (4-24) 1.06306.1000 Di-Sodium tetraborate anhydrous, PA
1.10079.0001 Test-Mercko Chloride (500-3000mg/l) 1.06308.1000 Di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate
1.10043.0001 Test-Mercko Chlorine (4-120mg/l) 1.06308.0500 Di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, PA
1.17924.0001 Test-Mercko Chlorine, test strips 0-500mg/l - 100 tests 1.12144.0025 Disulfine blue VN150 (CI.42045) c27h31n2nao6s2
1.10012.0001 Test-Mercko Chromate (3-100mg/l) 8.20248.0250 Di-tert-butyl peroxide for synthesis C8H18O2
1.14402.0001 colorimetric with colour card and comparator block with long test 1.03092.0005 Dithizone, PA C13H12N4S
1.10002.0001 Test-Mercko Cobalt (10-1000mg/l) 8.18855.0025 DL-2-Aminobutyric acid C4H9NO2
1.10003.0001 Test-Mercko Copper (10-300mg/l) 5.00952.0100 DL-alpha-Tocopheryl acetate Ph Eur.(Vitamin E acetate) C31H52O3
1.14414.0001 Test thử đồng: Copper Test Method: colorimetric 0.05 - 0.08 - 0.12 - 0.16 - 0.2 - 0.25 - 0.3 - 0.4 8.41456.0250 DL-Camphor for synthesis C10H16O
1.10044.0001 Test-Mercko Cyanide (1-30mg/l) 1.09656.0005 D-Camphor C10H16O
1.10036.0001 Test-Mercko Formaldehyde (10-100mg/l) 1.00382.0250 DL-Malic acid for biochemistry C4H6O5
1.10004.0001 Test-Mercko Iron (3-500mg/l) 8.14737.1000 DL-Malic acid for synthesis C4H6O5
1.10077.0001 Test-Mercko Lead (20-500mg/l) 1.07257.0025 DL-Phenylalanine for biopharmaceutical C9H11NO2
1.10080.0001 Test-Mercko Manganese (2-100mg/l) 8.22046.0050 Docosane for synthesis C22H46
1.10049.0001 Test-Mercko Molybdenum (5-250mg/l) 1.12533.0050 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for biochemistry and surfactant tests
1.10006.0001 Test-Mercko Nickel (10-500mg/l) 1.12533.0250 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for biochemistry and surfactant tests c12h25nao4s
1.10050.0001 Test-Mercko Nitrate (10-500mg/l) 8.22050.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for synthesis C12H25OSO2ONa
1.10007.0001 Test-Mercko Nitrite (2-80mg/l) 8.22050.0100 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for synthesis C12h25naso4
1.10001.0001 Test-Mercko Peracetic acid (100-500mg/l) 1.13760.1000 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt LAB c12h25nao4s; C12H25OSO2ONa
1.10084.0001 Test-Mercko Peracetic acid (5-50mg/l) 1.13760.0100 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt LAB c12h25nao4s; C12H25OSO2ONa 100g
1.10011.0001 Test-Mercko Peroxide (0.5-25mg/l) 1.07759.0100 D-Sorbitol for biopharmaceutical C6H14O6
1.10428.0001 Test-Mercko Phosphate 1.05990.0050 Dulcitol C6H14O6
1.10042.0001 Test-Mercko Potassium (250-1500mg/l) 1.59628.0001 Emodin Reag.
1.14789.0001 Test-Mercko Sulfate (25-300mg/l) 1.07084.0001 Envirocheck Rodac GKZ with neutralizers
1.10013.0001 Test-Mercko Sulfite (10-400mg/l) 1.16312.0001 Enzym-alpha-Amylase lyophilized 30 000 U/glass
1.10025.0001 Test-Mercko Total Hardness (3-21) 100 tests 1.15935.0025 Eosin Y (CI.45380) C20H6Br4Na2O5 25g
1.10046.0001 Test-Mercko Total Hardness (5-25) 1.15935.0100 Eosin Y (CI.45380) C20H6Br4Na2O5
1.10038.0001 Test-Mercko Zinc (10-250mg/l) 1.09844.1000 Eosin Y solution
1.17925.0001 Test-Merckoquant Chlorine 0-20 mg/l  (75 tests) 8.02801.0250 Epsilon-Caprolactone C6H10O2
1.10020.0001 Test-Merckoquant Nitrate 10-500 mg/l (100 strips/hop) 1.03170.0100 Eriochrome black T (CI.14645) c20h12n3nao7s
1.10337.0001 Test-Merkoquant Peroxide 100-1000 mg/l H2O2 100 test 1.03170.0025 Eriochrome black T (CI.14645) c20h12n3nao7s 25g
1.14822.0001 Test-Micro Aluminium (0,1-6mg.l) 1.03340.0005 Eriochrome blue SE (CI.16680) c16h9cln2na2o9s2
1.14753.0001 Test-Micro Chloride (3-300mg/l) 1.03164.0025 Eriochrome cyanine R (C.I. 43820) C23H15Na3O9S
1.14826.0001 Test-Micro Chlorine (0.25-15mg/l) 1.15936.0010 Erythrosine B (C.I. 45430) C10H6I4Na2O5 10g
1.14765.0001 Test-Micro Copper (0.3-10mg/l) 1.15936.0025 Erythrosine B (C.I. 45430) C10H6I4Na2O5 25g
1.14798.0001 Test-Micro Cyanide colorimetric (refill pack for 1.14800.0001) 0.03-5 mg/l, 200 tests 1.00974.1011 Ethanol (with 1% methyl ethyl ketone), PA C2H5OH
1.14759.0001 Test-Micro Iron (0.1-5mg/l) 1.11727.1000 Ethanol absolute, gradient HPLC C2H5OH
1.14840.0001 Test-Micro Phosphate (1.5-100mg/l) 1.00983.1000 Ethanol absolute, PA (glass) C2H5OH 1000g
1.14777.0001 Test-Micro sulfide (0.1-5mg/l) 1.00983.2500 Ethanol absolute, PA (glass) C2H5OH
1.14843.0001 Test-Micro Urea (0.025-1mg/l) 1.00971.1000 Ethanol approx. 96% extra pure C2H5OH
1.17942.0001 Phosphate Test Method: reflectometric 0.1 - 5.0 mg/l PO43- Reflectoquant® plus 1.00990.0500 Ethanol dried (max. 0.02% H2O) C2H5OH
1.14410.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) Test Method: colorimetric with colour card and comparator block with long 1.00845.2500 Ethanolamine C2H7NO; NH2CH2CH2OH
1.10022.0001 Nitrite Test Method: colorimetric with test strips 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.6 - 1 - 2 - 3 g/l NO2- Merckoquant® 1.00845.1000 Ethanolamine, PA NH2CH2CH2OH
1.17940.0001 Test-Reflect Chlorine 0,05-2mg/l 1.11608.0030 Ethidium bromide (1% solution in water) for electrophoresis
1.16982.0001 Test-Reflect Iron 0,5-20mg/l 1.11615.0001 Ethidium bromide for biopharmaceutical C21h20brn3
1.16973.0001 Test-Reflect Nitrite 0,5-25mg/l 1.00877.1000 Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (benzocaine) extra pure Ph Eur,BP,USP C9H11NO2
1.16996.0001 Test-Reflect ph Test 4.0-9.0 1.00887.5000 Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Ph Eur. C9H10O3
1.16997.0001 Test-Reflect Total Hardness 0.1-30 1.10972.1000 Ethyl acetate for gas chrom. C4H8O2; CH3COOC2H5
1.05851.0001 Test-reflectoquant Lipase Test 10-400 µg/l   50 tests 1.00868.1000 Ethyl acetate, HPLC CH3COOC2H5
1.01762.0001 Test-Spectroquant Acid Capacity Cell Test to ph 4.3 (total alkalinity) 0.2- 8.0 mmol/l   (90 tests) 1.09623.1000 Ethyl acetate, PA CH3COOC2H5 1000g
1.00683.0001 Test-Spectroquant Ammonium 2-150mg/l NH4-N 96 tests, 2.6-193 mg/l NH4+ 1.09623.2500 Ethyl acetate, PA CH3COOC2H5
1.14752.0001 Test-Spectroquant Ammonium test 0.010-3.00mg/l NH4-N - 500 tests 8.09622.1000 Ethyl acetoacetate C6H10O3
1.14815.0001 Test-Spectroquant Calcium 5-160 mg/l Ca  (100 tests) 8.01813.0250 Ethyl benzoate C9H10O2
1.14897.0001 Test-Spectroquant Chloride 2.5- 250 mg/l (100 tests) 8.00413.1000 Ethyl chloroacetate c4h7clo2
1.00598.0001 Test-Spectroquant Chlorine DPD 0.010- 7.50 mg/l 8.00881.0100 Ethyl chloroformate c3h5clo2
1.14895.0001 Test-Spectroquant COD Cell 15-300 mg/l  (25 Tests/box) 8.00882.0100 Ethyl cyanoacetate C5H7NO2 100g
1.18751.0001 Test-Spectroquant COD for non-Merck photometers 0-150 mg/l  (25 tests) 8.00882.0250 Ethyl cyanoacetate C5H7NO2
1.14767.0001 Test-Spectroquant Copper 0.02-6.0 mg/l   200 tests 8.00190.0250 Ethyl hexanoate for synthesis
1.14598.0001 Test-Spectroquant Fluoride 0.10- 20.0 mg/l (100 tests) 8.00202.0250 Ethyl octanoate for synthesis
1.09711.0001 Test-Spectroquant Hydrazine 0.005-2.00 mg/l N2H4   80 Tests 8.00891.1000 Ethyl formate
1.14761.0001 Test-Spectroquant Iron 0.005-5.00 mg/l Fe   1000 Tests 8.22253.1000 Ethyl methyl ketone for synthesis (MEK) C2H5COCH3
1.00796.0001 Test-Spectroquant Iron photometric 0.01-5.00 mg/l Fe 150 tests 1.09708.1000 Ethyl methyl ketone, PA  CH3COC2H5
1.00815.0001 Test-Spectroquant Magnesium 5.0- 75.0 mg/l  (25 tests) 8.18970.0250 Ethyl myristate for synthesis C16H32O2
1.14770.0001 Test-Spectroquant Manganese test 0.010-10 mg/l Mn - 450 tests 8.41018.0250 Ethyl salicylate for synthesis C9H10O3
1.09713.0001 Test-Spectroquant Nitrate 0.10- 25.0 mg/l  (100 tests) 8.22329.1000 Ethylene glycol for synthesis HOCH2CH2OH
1.14773.0001 Test-Spectroquant Nitrate test 0.2-20.0 mg/L100 tests 8.00857.1000 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether C4H10O2
1.14776.0001 Test-Spectroquant Nitrite test 0.005-1.00mg/L NO2 1000 tests 1.00859.1000 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether C3H8O2
1.14694.0001 Test-Spectroquant Oxygen cell test 0.5-12.0mg/L O2 25 tests 8.07291.1000 Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether C8H10O2
1.00607.0001 Test-Spectroquant Ozone DPD 0.010-7.50 mg/l O3  150 tests 8.07291.9070 Ethylene glycol monophenyl ether for synthesis (gia 1kg) C8H10O2
1.14848.0001 Test-Spectroquant Phosphate test 0.010-5.00mg/L PO4-P 420 tests 1.09621.1000 Ethylene glycol, PA HOCH2CH2OH
1.14794.0001 Test-Spectroquant Silicate 0.005-5.00 mg/l Si   300 Tests 0.01-10.70 mg/l sio2 8.00947.0500 Ethylenediamine for synthesis H2NCH2CH2NH2
1.14791.0001 Test-Spectroquant Sulfate test 25-300 mg/l SO4 2- 180 tests 8.19040.0100 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dipotassium salt dihydrate C10H14K2N2O8.2H2O
1.14779.0001 Test-Spectroquant Sulfide test 0.020-1.50 mg/L S2- 220 test 8.00948.0250 Ethylenediammonium dichloride C2H10Cl2N2; H2NCH2CH2NH2.2HCl
1.00961.0001 Test-Spectroquant Total hardness cell test 5-215 mg/L Ca 25 tests 1.08423.0250 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid magnesium disodium salt c10h12mgn2na2o8
1.08024.0001 AMMONIUM TEST 0.2 - 0.4 - 0.6 - 1 - 2 - 1.08436.0250 Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt dihydrate
1.08048.0001 CARBONATE HARDNESS TEST AQUAMERCK 1.12156.0001 Europium (III) oxide 99+ Eu2O3
1.14434.0001 CHLORINE TEST 0.01 - 0.025 - 0.045 - 0.0 1.05382.0101 Eusolex 2292 C18H26O3
1.14978.0001 CHLORINE TEST (LOW) IN DRINKING WATER MI 1.05376.0100 Eusolex 4360 (Oxybenzone) C14H12O3
1.11170.0001 NITRATE TEST 200 TESTS 1.11906.0100 Eusolex 6007 C17H27NO2
1.11152.0001 Test thử oxy : Oxygen Test Refill pack for 1.11107.0001 Aquamerck 100tests 1.05844.9027 Eusolex 9020 (gia 1 kg) C20H22O3
1080270001 PH TEST PH 4.5 - 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 6.5 - 7 - 1.09087.0001 Extra battery pack (Accu) for MAS
1144120001 ZINC TEST 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 1.07563.2000 Extran AP 12 alkaline
1.14687.0001 Test-Spectroquant xúc tác Crack set 10 1.07555.2500 Extran MA 01 alkaline
1.00964.1000 Tetrachloroethylene extra pure C2Cl4; Cl2CCCl2 1.07553.2500 Extran MA 02 neutral
1.00965.0500 Tetrachloroethylene for spectroscopy C2Cl4; Cl2CCCl2 1.07550.2500 Extran MA 03 phosphate free
8.18716.6025 Tetrachloroethylene for synthesis Cl2C=ccl2 1.15093.0001 Extrelut NT refill pack for column fillings Extrelet NT 20
8.40006.0025 Tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide C17H38NBr 1.03191.0025 Fast blue B salt zinc chloride double salt
8.22147.0250 Tetraethylammonium bromide for synthesis (C2H5)4nbr 1.04022.0025 Fast green FCF (C.I. 42053) C37H34N2Na2O10S3
8.22149.0250 Tetraethylammonium hydroxide (20% solution) [(H5C2)4N]+OH-(C2H5)4nbr 1.09193.0100 Ferroin solution (1,10-phenanthroline iron(II) sulfate)
1.08114.1000 Tetrahydrofuran extra pure C4H8O 1.00092.0010 Fraser lirteria ammoniumiron(III)
1.08101.2500 Tetrahydrofuran, HPLC (THF) C4H8O 1.00093.0010 Fraser listeria selective
1.09731.1000 Tetrahydrofuran, HPLC (THF) C4H8O 1000g 1.12518.1000 Florisil 0,150-0,250 mm) for column chromatography
8.14748.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (25% solution in water) 1.12518.0100 Florisil for column chrom.
1.08124.0250 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 0,1M (0,1N) 1.12994.0100 Florisil for residue analysis
1.08123.0050 Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution 10% 1.03887.0050 Fluorescein sodium (C.I. 45350) indicator C20H10Na2O5
8.18839.0250 Tetra-n-butylammonium bromide c16h36brn; (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4nbr 1.59521.0003 Fluorescein sodium (CI.45350) Reag. C20H10Na2O5
8.18839.0050 Tetra-n-butylammonium bromide for synthesis C16h36brn; (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4nbr 1.03992.0050 Fluorescein sodium extra pure C20H10Na2O5
8.14645.0025 Tetra-n-Butylammonium chloride monohydrate for synthesis C16h36cln 1.24546.0250 Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate C21H11NO5S
8.18858.0500 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate C16H37NO4S 1.09182.0050 Fluorescent indicator F254
1.18312.0025 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen sulfate for ion pair chromatography 8.20578.0025 Fluoroacetic acid sodium salt for synthesis FCH2COONa
8.18858.0100 Tetra-n-Butylammonium hydrogen sulfate for synthesis C16H37NO4S 1.09001.0100 Folin Ciocalteu's phenol reagent
8.18759.0100 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide (20% solution in water) (C4H9)4NOH 1.09001.0500 Folin phenol reagent
8.18215.0250 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide for synthesis 1.04003.1000 Formaldehyde, solution 37%, PA CH2O
1.09162.0500 Tetra-n-Butylammonium hydroxide solution 0,1N 1.04008.1000 Formamide extra pure
1.09162.1000 Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution in 2-propanol/methanol c[(C4H9)4NOH] = 0.1mol/l 1.00264.0100 Formic acid 98-100% PA HCOOH
8.22152.0100 Tetra-n-Butylammonium iodide for synthesis (CH3CH2CH2CH2)4NI 1.00264.1000 Formic acid for synthesis HCOOH 1000g
8.08278.0025 Tetra-n-butyltin C16H36Sn; M 347.16 8.22254.1000 Formic acid for synthesis HCOOH
8.21107.0500 Tetrapropyl orthotitanate for synthesis C12H28O4Ti 1.15937.0025 Fuchsin (CI. 42510) for microscopy c20h20cln3
1.06591.0500 Tetra-Sodium diphosphate decahydrate, PA 8.00269.0100 Fumaric acid for synthesis HOOCCHCHCOOH
1.08103.0005 Tetrazolium blue C40H32Cl2N8O2 8.04012.0500 Furfural for synthesis C5H4O2
4.03065.0001 The Merck Index 1.04013.0020 Furfural, PA  C5H4O2 20g
1.71200.0001 Thiết bị gia nhiệt (Thermoreactor TR 320 Spectroquant) 1.04013.0100 Furfural, PA C5H4O2
8.17043.0010 Thimerosal Ph Eur, BP, USP C9H9HgNaO2S 8.04015.1000 Furfuryl alcohol for synthesis C5H6O2
1.08170.0050 Thioacetamide, PA CH3CSNH2 50g 1.12167.0005 Gadolinium (III) oxide 99+
1.08170.0250 Thioacetamide, PA CH3CSNH2 1.59630.0001 Gallic acid Reag. C7H6O5.H2O
1.16761.0500 Thioglycolate medium G for microbiology 8.01661.1000 Gamma-Butyrolactone
1.08190.0500 Thioglycolate broth 1.04078.1000 Gelatin powder food grade
1.00700.0100 Thioglycolic acid, PA H2SH2COOH 1.09326.0001 Gía đỡ 3 chân cho MAS-100 : Tripod for MAS-100
8.08154.0500 Thionyl chloride socl2; Cl2OS 8.14464.0005 Gibberellic acid C19H22O6
8.08154.1000 Thionyl chloride for synthesis 1.09203.0025 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue
1.07978.1000 Thiourea 1.09204.0500 Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution for microscopy
1.07979.0250 Thiourea, PA H2NCSNH2 1.04086.0250 Glass wool LAB
1.08294.0005 Thorin (octahydrate) indicator C16H11AsN2Na2O10S2.8H2O 1.04074.0500 Glucose-(D) monohydrate for biochemistry c6h12o6xh2o
1.08176.0005 Thymol blue 8.14393.0100 Glutaraldehyde 50% synthesis
1.08176.0025 Thymol blue C27H30O5S 1.04091.1000 Glycerol 87% extra pure C3H8O3
1.08167.1000 Thymol cryst. Extra pure, Ph, Eur, BP, NF C10H14O 1.04094.1000 Glycerol 87%, PA C3H8O3
1.59681.0005 Thymol Reag. C10H14O 1.04092.1000 Glycerol, PA C3H8O3
1.08175.0005 Thymolphthalein indicator C28H30O4 1.04169.0250 Glycine buffer C2H5NO2
1.08175.0025 Thymolphthalein indicator C28H30O4 25g 1.04201.0100 Glycine, PA C2H5NO2
1.17239.1000 Timiron Silk Gold 8.14662.9035 Glycolic acid
1.17475.1000 Timiron Splendid Red 8.04104.0250 Glycolic acid for synthesis C2H4O3
1.17200.1000 Chất màu : Timiron Starluster MP-115 1.04191.0025 Glyoxalbis (2-hydroxyanil), PA C14H12N2O2
1.17392.1000 Timiron Starlight Gold 1.09023.0500 Griess-Ilosvay's reagent
1.17200.9025 Timiron Starluster MP-115 1.04212.1000 Guaiacol extra pure C7H8O2
1.17223.1000 Timiron Sun Gold Sparkle MP-29 1.04167.0025 Guanidinium thiocyanate CH5N3.CHNS; H2NC(NH)NH2.HSCN; FW : 118.16
1.17186.1000 Timiron Super Blue 1.04167.0250 Guanidinium thiocyanate CH5N3.CHNS; H2NC(NH)NH2.HSCN
1.17266.1000 Timiron Diamond Cluster MP-149 8.20613.1000 Guanidinium thiocyanate for synthesis H2NC(NH)NH2.HSCN
1.17217.1000 Timiron Super Gold 1.04228.1000 Gum arabic
1.17294.1000 Timiron Super Silver 1.09218.0500 Gram's crystal violet solution for the Gram staining method
1.17201.1000 Timiron Supersheen MP-1001 1.09164.1000 Hanus solution
1.17203.1000 Timiron Supersilk MP-1005 1.15938.0025 Hematoxylin monohydrate (CI.75290) for microscopy C16H14O6
1.07815.0100 Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA SnCl2x2H2O 100g 1.18306.0025 Heptane-1 sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chrom. C7h15nao3s
1.07815.0250 Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA SnCl2x2h2o 8.07340.0001 Hexachloroplatinic (IV) acid hexahydrate for synthesis
1.07814.0250 Tin (II) chloride dihydrate, PA (low Hg) 8.14119.0100 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide c19h42brn 100g
1.07806.0250 Tin granulated 8.14119.0500 Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide c19h42brn
1.01307.0025 Titan yellow (C.I. 19540) C28H19N5Na2O6S4 8.18889.0010 Hexamethyldisilane C6H18Si2
1.01307.0050 Titan yellow (CI.19540), PA 1.04500.0100 Hexamethyldisiloxane for gas chromatography c6h18osi2
1.00808.0500 Titanium (IV) oxide tio2 8.18712.0100 Hexamethylenetetramine C6H12N4
8.08307.0100 Titanium(III) chloride solution about 15% 1.18305.0025 Hexane-1 sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chrom. C6h13nao3s
1.00808.1000 Titanium(IV) oxide tio2 8.00198.0250 Hexanoic acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)4COOH
1.88011.1000 Titrant 2 titrant for volumetric Karl Fischer titration with two component reagents 1 ml *9 ca. 2 mg 8.04326.0100 Hexylamine C16H15N
1.08417.0250 Titriplex II (ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid - EDTA) C10H16N2O8 1.00296.0500 Hippuric acid C9H9NO3
1.08418.0250 Titriplex III (Ethylenedinitrilo tetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 250g 1.04370.0005 Histamine dihydrochloride extra pure C5H11Cl2N3
1.08421.1000 Titriplex III (Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid disodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 1.12469.0005 Holmium (III) oxide Ho2O3
1.08446.0001 Titriplex III solution 0,01mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 1.08159.0100 Holmium perchlorate standard solution
1.09992.0001 Titriplex III solution 0,1mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 1.12058.0250 Hyamine 1622 c27h42clno2
1.08431.1000 Titriplex III solution 0,1mol/l C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 1000g 1.15480.1000 Hyamine 1622, solution 0,004M c27h42clno2
1.08418.1000 Titriplex III, PA (EDTA di-sodium salt dihydrate) 8.04604.0250 Hydrazinium hydroxide (about 80%) for synthesis
1.08418.0100 Titriplex III, PA (EDTA di-sodium salt dihydrate) C10H14N2Na2O8.2H2O 1.04603.0500 Hydrazinium sulfate N2H6SO4; H6N2O4S
1.08424.0025 TITRIPLEX IV GR FOR ANALYSIS (1,2-CYCLOH 25g 1.04603.0100 Hydrazinium sulfate, PA N2H6SO4
1.08424.0100 TITRIPLEX IV GR FOR ANALYSIS (1,2-CYCLOH 1.09060.1000 Hydrochloric acid 0,1 mol/l, (0,1 N)
1.08420.1000 Titriplex solution B for the determination of alkaline earth metals 1.00314.1000 Hydrochloric acid fuming 37% extra pure
1.08426.0100 Titriplex V, PA C14H23N3O10 1.00317.1000 Hydrochloric acid fuming, 37%, PA HCl 1000g
1.08327.1000 Toluene for liquid chromatography 1.00317.2500 Hydrochloric acid fuming, 37%, PA HCl
1.08325.1000 Toluene, PA C7H8 1000g 1.00326.1000 Hydrochloric acid in 2-propanol 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) HCl
1.08325.2500 Toluene, PA C7H8 1.09971.0001 Hydrochloric acid, solution 0,5N (0,5M) HCl
1.09613.0100 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate (C4H9)4NOH 1.09970.0001 Hydrochloric acid, solution 1N (1M) HCl
1.09613.0500 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate C7H8O3S . H2O 1.09057.1000 Hydrochloric acid, solution ln (l M) HCl
8.14725.1000 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for synthesis C7H8O3S . H2O 1.09973.0001 Hydrochloric acid, solution O,ln (O,l M) HCl
8.14725.0100 Toluene-4-sulfonic acid monohydrate for synthesis C7H8O3S . H2O 100g 1.00329.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 38-40% HF
1.15930.0025 Toluidine blue O (CI.52040) for microscopy 1.00335.0500 Hydrofluoric acid 40% HF 500g
1.08047.0001 Total Harness Test Aquamerck 0.1-5.6 od (0.1-7 oe) resp. 1-100mg/l caco3 - 300 tests 1.00338.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 40% HF
8.41032.0025 Trans-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'-tetracetic acid monohydrate for synthesis 1.00334.1000 Hydrofluoric acid 48%, PA HF
C14H22N2O8.H2O 1.00334.0500 Hydrofluoric acid 48%, PA HF 500g
1.08216.0010 Trehalose 1.08597.1000 Hydrogen peroxide solution 30% H2O2
1.02143.1000 Tri-Calcium phosphate extra pure Ca3(PO4)2 1.07209.1000 Hydrogen peroxide, 30%, PA H2O2
1.00810.1000 Trichloroacetic acid cryst. Extra pure CCl3COOH 8.22333.0250 Hydroquinone for synthesis C6H6O2
8.22342.0250 Trichloroacetic acid for synthesis CCl3COOH 8.14441.0100 Hydroxylamine (50% solution) for synthesis
1.00807.1000 Trichloroacetic acid, PA  C2HCl3O2 1kg 8.22334.1000 Hydroxylammonium chloride for synthesis Clh4no; NH2OH.HCl
1.00807.0100 Trichloroacetic acid, PA CCl₃COOH 100g 8.22334.0250 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride for synthesis H3NO.HCl
1.00807.0250 Trichloroacetic acid, PA CCl₃COOH 250g 1.04616.1000 Hydroxylammonium chloride, PA NH2OH.HCl
1.08749.1000 Trichloroethane (1,1,1), PA 1.04616.0250 Hydroxylammonium chloride, PA H3NO.HCl
1.11872.1000 Trichloroethylene c2HCl3; Cl2CCHCl 8.14803.1000 Hydroxylammonium sulfate H8N2O6S; (HONH3)2SO4
1.00958.1000 Trichloroethylene extra pure c2HCl3; Cl2CCHCl 1.04593.0025 Hydroxynaphthol blue metal indicator C20H11N2Na3O11S3
1.08440.1000 Trichlorotrifluoroethane (1,1,2), PA 1.30101.0021 HYLITE refill pack for surface control
1.08377.2500 Triethanolamine extra pure N(CH2CH2OH)3; C6H15NO3 1.30102.0021 HY-LITE Sampling pens (50pens/box)
1.08377.1000 Triethanolamine extra pure (TEA) N(CH2CH2OH)3 1.04633.0100 Hypophosphorous acid 50%
8.22341.5000 Triethanolamine for synthesis N(CH2CH2OH)3; C6H15NO3 1.04716.1000 Imidazole buffer substance C3H4N2
1.08379.1000 Triethanolamine, PA N(CH2CH2OH)3 1.04716.0050 Imidazole buffer substance C3H4N2 50g
1.08379.0250 Triethanolamine, PA (TEA) N(CH2CH2OH)3 8.14223.0005 Imidazole for synthesis C3H4N2
8.08352.1000 Triethylamine for synthesis (C2H5)3N 1.04699.0100 Immersion oil for microscopy 100g
8.21135.0250 Triethylammonium chloride 250g 1.04699.0500 Immersion oil for microscopy
8.21135.1000 Triethylammonium chloride 1.08430.1000 Indicator buffer tablets for the determination of water hardness with Titriplex solutions
8.08245.1000 Triethylene glycol for synthesis HO(CH2CH2O)3H 1.04724.0025 Indigo carmine (CI.73015), PA C16H8N2Na2O8S2
8.08260.0025 Trifluoroacetic acid for synthesis CF3COOH 25g 1.04730.0010 Indole, PA C8H7N
8.08260.0100 Trifluoroacetic acid for synthesis CF3COOH 1.00353.0010 Indole-3-acetic acid C10H9NO2
8.21178.0250 Trimethylammonium chloride for synthesis (CH3)3N.HCl 1.00353.0100 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) C10H9NO2
8.14868.0025 Tri-n-octylphosphinoxide C24H51OP 1.00354.0100 Indole-3-butyric acid C12H13NO2
8.21196.0050 Triphenylmethanol 1.00354.0005 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) C10H9NO2
1.05102.1000 Tri-Potassium phosphate trihydrate extra pure K3PO4.3H2O 1.11887.1000 Insect-Repellent 3535 C11H21NO3; M 215.29
8.08735.0005 Tripropyltin chloride c9h21clsn; M 208.43 1.11887.0100 Insect-Repellent 3535
1.02408.0080 TRIS(HYDROXYMETHYL)AMINOMETHANE VOLUMETR 1.04764.0100 Iodine Indicator
1.08387.0500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane H2NC(CH2OH)3 8.20738.0100 Iodine monobromide for synthesis Ibr
1.08386.1000 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Trometamol) Ph Eur, BP, USP C14H11NO3; H2NC(CH2OH)3 8.04771.0100 Iodine monochloride for synthesis Icl
1.08219.0100 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride, PA C4H11NO3.HCl 8.04772.0025 Iodine trichloride for synthesis Icl3
1.08382.0100 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, PA H2NC(CH2OH)3 100g 1.04761.0100 Iodine, PA I2
1.08382.0500 Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, PA H2NC(CH2OH)3 1.09099.1000 Iodine, solution O,ln (0,05M)
1.06448.0500 Tri-Sodium citrate dihydrate, PA C6H5Na3O7.2H2O 1.09910.0001 Iodine, solution O,ln (0,05M) I2
1.06572.1000 Tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate, PA Na3PO4.12H2O 1000g 8.06064.0050 Iodomethane CH3I
1.06578.1000 Tri-Sodium phosphate dodecahydrate, PA Na3PO4.12H2O 1.05245.0500 Ion exchanger Amberjet 4200
1.08603.1000 Triton X-100 C33H60O10-5 1.15966.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite IR-120
8.14378.0001 Tropolone for synthesis C7H6O2 1.12463.0500 Ion exchanger Amberlite IR-402
1.11732.0025 Trypan blue 1.01767.0500 Ion exchanger Chelex
1.08367.1000 Trypsin (pancreas protease) 200 FIP-U/g 1.05242.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex 1-X8
1.08350.0001 Trypsin, crystal for biopharmaceutical 1.05238.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex 50WX-4
1.00454.0500 Trypton Soya Yeast extract Agar for detection of Listeria according ISO 11290 for mirobiology 1.05221.0250 Ion exchanger Dowex 50WX-8
1.00583.0100 Tungstophosphoric acid hydrate, PA H3O40PW12.H2O 1.05241.0500 Ion exchanger Dowex HCR-W2
1.00659.0025 Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, PA H₄O₄₀Si W₁₂ * x H₂O 25g 1.04765.0500 Ion Exchanger I, PA
1.00659.0100 Tungstosilicic acid hydrate, PA H₄O₄₀Si W₁₂ * x H₂O 1.04670.1000 Iriodin 100 Silver Pearl
1.18328.0001 Turbiquant 1500IR/1500T Calibration standard set; 0.02-10-1000 NTU (3 vials) 1.04246.1000 Iriodin 103 rutile sterling silver
8.22184.1000 Tween 20 for synthesis 1.04842.1000 Iriodin 123 Bright Lustre Satin
8.22184.0500 Tween 20 for synthesis 500g 1.06967.1000 Iriodin 153 flash pearl
8.22185.0500 Tween 40 for synthesis 500g 1.06967.9025 Iriodin 153 flash pearl (gia 1kg)
8.22187.1000 Tween 80 for synthesis 1.03948.1000 Iriodin 201 Rutile Fine Gold
8.22187.0500 Tween 80 for synthesis 500g 1.04285.1000 Iriodin 205 rutile platinum gold
1.08371.0025 Tyrosine C9H11NO3 1.04792.1000 Iriodin 215 rutile red pearl
1.08488.1000 Urea for biochemistry CO(NH2)2; CH4N2O 1.04287.1000 Iriodin 219 rutile lilac pearl
1.08488.0250 Urea for biochemistry CO(NH2)2; CH4N2O 250g 1.04470.1000 Iriodin 221 rutile fine blue
1.08487.1000 Urea, PA CO(NH2)2 1.04288.1000 Iriodin 225 rutile blue pearl
1.08487.0500 Urea, PA CO(NH2)2 500g 1.04288.9025 Iriodin 225 rutile blue pearl (gia 1kg)
1.08489.0005 Urease, 5U/mg 1.04289.1000 Iriodin 235 rutile green pearl
1.19851.0001 Vacuum manifold for sample preparation lichrolut 1.04289.9025 Iriodin 235 rutile green pearl (gia 1kg)
1.09769.0001 Vali chứa máy quang phổ NOVA 60 (Case For Spectroquant Photometer NOVA 60) 1.03986.1000 Iriodin 299 Flash Green
1.00824.0250 Vanadium (V) oxide extra pure V2O5 1.04217.1000 Iriodin 302 gold satin
1.08510.0100 Vanillin (CH3O)(OH)C6H3CHO 1.04591.1000 Iriodin 303 Royal Gold
8.18718.0100 Vanillin for synthesis 3-(CH3O)-4-(OH)-C6H3CHO 1.40646.1000 Iriodin 305 Solar Gold
8.03184.0100 Vinyl acetate C4H6O2 1.04590.1000 Iriodin 323 Royal Gold Satin
5.00936.0010 Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) cryst. C77H44O 1.06959.1000 Iriodin 351 Sunny Gold
5.00862.1000 Vitamin E water-miscible 1 ml = 500 mg DL-alpha-tocopherol acetate 1.04216.1000 Iriodin 355 Glitter Gold
1.15333.2500 Water HPLC H2O 1.04231.1000 Iriodin 500 bronze
1.88051.0010 Water standard  0,1% for volumetric Karl Fischer Titration 1.04232.1000 Iriodin 504 red
1.88052.0010 Water standard  1% for volumetric Karl Fischer Titration 1.04236.1000 Iriodin 520 Bronze Satin
1.88050.0010 Water Standard 0.01 % Standard for coulometric 1g «» 0,1 mg H2O Apura (10x8ml/box) 1.04237.1000 Iriodin 522 Red-Brown Satin
1.16754.5000 Water, PA H2O 1.04241.1000 Iriodin 524 red satin
1.09163.1000 WIJS solution 0,1mol/l 1.04469.1000 Iriodin 534 glitter red
1.09278.0025 Wright's eosin methylene blue 1.40530.1000 Iriodin 7217 Ultra Copper
1.17115.1000 Xirona Indian Summer 1.40527.1000 Iriodin 7225 ultra blue
1.17728.1000 Xirona Le Rouge 1.04267.9025 Iriodin 7235 Ultra Green (gía 1 kg)
1.17114.1000 Xirona Magic Mauve 1.04939.1000 Iriodin 9602 silver grey WR II
1.10590.0005 Xylene cyanol for electrophoresis c25h27n2nao6s2 1.04554.1000 Iriodin 9605 Blue Shade Silver SW
1.08681.1000 Xylene, PA C8H10 1.04977.1000 Iriodin 9612 Silver Grey Fine Satin WR II
1.08677.0005 Xylenol orange indicator C31H28N2Na4O13S 1.03819.0100 Iron
1.08677.0001 Xylenol Orange tetrasodium salt 1.03861.1000 Iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate, PA fecl2x4h2o
1.08689.0100 D(+)-Xylose for biopharmaceutical C5H10O5 1.03861.0250 Iron (II) chloride tetrahydrate, PA fecl2x4h2o 250g
1.12412.0025 Yttrium oxide 99+ Y2O3 1.03965.1000 Iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate, PA feso4.7H2O
1.59736.0050 Zinc (volumetric standard) Reag. Ph Eur 1.03965.0500 Iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate, PA feso4.7H2O 500g
1.08800.1000 Zinc acetate dihydrate extra pure (CH3COO)2Zn.2H2O 8.03945.0500 Iron (III) chloride anhydrous for synthesis Fecl3
1.08802.1000 Zinc acetate dihydrate, PA (CH3COO)2Zn.2H2O 1.03943.1000 Iron (III) chloride hexahydrate, PA fecl3.6H2O
1.08802.0250 Zinc acetate dihydrate, PA 1.03943.0250 Iron (III) chloride hexahydrate, PA fecl3.6H2O 250g
1.08816.0250 Zinc chloride, PA zncl2 1.03883.0250 Iron (III) nitrate nonahydrate Fe(NO3)3.9H2O
1.08756.0250 Zinc coarse powder Zn 1.03800.1000 Iron powder extra pure Fe
1.08849.0500 Zinc oxide, PA zno 1.14660.0001 Iron test in freshwater and seawater Aquamerk  : 0.05-0.1-0.2-0.4-0.6-0.8-1.0 mg/l - 50 Tests
1.08782.0500 Zinc sticks, PA (#8mm) 1.03965.0100 Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate feso4.7H2O
1.08882.5000 Zinc sulfate monohydrate ZnSO4.H2O 1.01231.6025 Isoamyl acetate extra pure (giá 1 lít) C7H14O2
1.08883.9050 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate ZnSO4.7H2O 8.22255.1000 Isoamyl alcohol (mixture of isomers) for synthesis
1.08883.1000 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, PA ZnSO4x7H2O 1000g 1.00978.1000 Isoamyl alcohol (mixture of isomers) for synthesis 1000g
1.08883.0100 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, PA 1.00979.1000 Isoamyl alcohol, PA (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH
1.08883.0500 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate, PA ZnSO4x7h2o 1.04727.1000 Isooctane
1.09991.0001 Zinc sulfate solution 0,1 mol/l (0,1 M) ZnSO4 1.15440.1000 Isooctane for gas chrom. C8H18
1.08879.1000 Zinc sulfate, solution O,Lm ZnSO4 1.04718.2500 Isooctane for spectroscopy CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH(CH3)CH3
1.02409.0100 Zinc volumetric standard, secondary reference material for complexometry Zn 1.04717.1000 Isooctane, HPLC CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH(CH3)CH3 1000g
1.08774.1000 Zinc, dust, PA Zn 1.04717.2500 Isooctane, HPLC CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH(CH3)CH3
1.08780.0500 Zinc, granulated, PA Zn 1.04727.2500 Isooctane, PA (2,2,4-Trimethyl pentane) CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH(CH3)CH3
1.08789.1000 Zinc, powder, PA Zn 8.04807.0100 Isophorone for synthesis C9H14O
1.08789.0100 Zinc, powder, PA Zn 100g 8.20560.1000 Isopropyl acetate C5H10O2
1.08789.0500 Zinc, powder, PA Zn 500g 8.22102.0100 Isopropyl myristate for synthesis CH3(CH2)12COOCH(CH3)2
1.08739.0001 Zincon C20H15N4NaO6S.H2O 8.07476.0100 Isopropylamine for synthesis C3H9N; (CH3)2CHNH2
1.08833.1000 Zinc nitrate tetrahydrate 1.09248.1000 Karl Fischer reagent 5 single component reagent
1.51353.0001 LISORB RP8 5MYM CART250-4 1 UNIT 1.09233.1000 Karl Fischer reagent TU titrant U, pyridine free
1.14693.0001 Test thử : photocheck color solution in round cells for photometer testing Spectroquant 1.09234.1000 Karl Fischer reagent, one-component reagent
1.05043.0250 Potassium iodide, PA KI; M 166.01 1.09241.1000 Karl Fischer reagent, reagent S solvent
1.03098.0005 2,2'-Bipyridine 1.09243.1000 Karl Fischer reagent, reagent T Titrant
1.70207.0100 Dung dịch chuẩn Beryli : Beryllium standard solution 1000 mg/l Be 1.07910.0250 Kieselguhr purified and calcined, PA
8.41357.0010 1,3,5-Trimethoxybenzene for synthesis 1.16469.1000 Kjeldahl tablets 5g/tablet
1.19804.0100 Dung dịch chuẩn Bismuth : Bismuth standard solution 1000 mg/l Bi Bi(NO3)3 1.10958.1000 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method
1.70216.0100 GOLD STANDARD SOLUTION TRACEABLE TO SRM 1.17958.0250 Kjeldahl tablets for Wieninger method 3.5g/tablet (250 vien/hop)
1.00077.0020 MERCKPLATE GALLE-AESCULIN 20 PLATES 1.07361.0010 L(+)-Rhamnose monohydrate for biopharmaceutical C6H12O5.H2O
1.14676.0001 COMBICHECK 10 SPECTROQUANT 1 SET 1.04736.0025 L(+)-Rhamnose monohydrate for microbiology C6H12O5.H2O
1.14675.0001 COMBICHECK 20 SPECTROQUANT 1 SET 1.00802.1000 L(+)-Tartaric acid extra pure HOOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COOH
1.12422.0025 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry C5H9NO3S 1.00804.1000 L(+)-Tartaric acid, PA HCOO(CHOH)2COOH
8.40120.0500 Span 40 C22H42O6 1.00804.0250 L(+)-Tartaric acid, PA HCOO(CHOH)2COOH 250g
8.22185.1000 Tween 40 for synthesis 1.00366.1000 Lactic acid, 90% extra pure C3H6O3
1.05912.0025 Maltose monohydrate for biochemistry 1.13741.0100 Lactophenol
1.51452.0001 Chromolith® RP-18e 10-4.6 guard 1.07660.0250 Lactose monohydrate C12H22O11.H2O
1.08310.0250 O-Toluidine 1.12219.0100 Lanthanum (III) chloride heptahydrate 99%, PA lacl3.7H2O
8.00920.1000 Dicyclohexyl phthalate for synthesis C20H26O4 1.12220.0100 Lanthanum(III) oxide La2O3 100g
8.41354.0005 Octacosane for synthesis 1.12220.0500 Lanthanum(III) oxide La2O3
1.04350.0100 L-Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate c6h10cln3o2.H2O 1.01542.0100 L-Arginine for biopharmaceutical
1.00842.0025 Esculin for microbiology (C15H16O9.1,5H2O) C5H16O9.1.5H2O 1.01543.0050 L-Arginine monohydrochloride for biopharmaceutical C6h15cln4o2
8.20095.0250 5-Amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid for synthesis 1.01565.1000 L-Asparagine monohydrate extra pure C4H8N2O3.H2O
1.11174.0001 CHLORINE AND PH TEST AQUAMERCK 8.05333.0100 Lauric acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)10COOH
1.05341.0250 Hợp kim đồng - nhôm- kẽm : Devarda's alloy 8.14997.0100 L-Bornyl acetate
1.03756.0500 Mật bò khô dùng trong vi sinh : Ox bile dried pure for microbiology 1.02838.0100 L-Cysteine C3H7NO2S
8.18586.1000 Isophorone diisocyanate (mixture of cis- and trans-isomers) C12H18N2O2 1.02838.0025 L-Cysteine for biochemistry C3H7NO2S
1.70355.0100 Dung dịch chuẩn Sulfur : Sulfur ICP standard 1000 mg/l S 1.02839.0100 L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate c3h8clno2s.H2O
1.06601.1000 Natri salicylat : Sodium salicylate C7H5NaO3 1.02839.0025 L-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate for biopharmaceutical C3h8clno2s.H2O
1.07192.0001 Enzym : Pepsin (from porcine gastric mucosa) cryst. Lyophilized 10 FIP-U/mg 1.02837.0100 L-Cystine C6H12N2O4S2
1.05999.1000 Manganese(II) sulfate monohydrate spray dried EMPROVE® Ph Eur,USP,FCC 1.02837.0025 L-Cystine for biopharmaceutical C6H12N2O4S2
1.02129.0001 Chromolith® Performance RP-18e 100-4.6 1.07372.1000 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate extra pure Pb(CH3COO)2x3h20
1.07624.0001 Pseudomonas CN Selective Supplement 1.07375.0250 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate, PA (CH3COO)2Pb.3H2O
8.18203.0005 (9-Fluorenylmethyl) chloroformate for synthesis C15h11clo2 8.07383.0100 Lead (II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis Pbcl2
1.50031.0001 Purospher® STAR RP-8 endcapped (5µm) LiChroCART® 150-4.6 1.07398.0100 Lead (II) nitrate, PA Pb(NO3)2
1.08917.0100 Zirconium (IV) oxide chloride octahydrate, PA zrocl2.8H2O 1.05658.1000 Lead (II) oxide extra pure pbo
1.09719.0005 N-Pentane reference substance for gas chrom. CH3(CH2)3CH3; C5H12 1.07407.0250 Lead (IV) oxide, PA pbo2
1.07177.1000 N-Pentane, PA CH3(CH2)3CH3 1.00291.1000 L-Glutamic acid C5H9NO4
8.41364.0005 N-Tricosane C23H48 1.00291.0100 L-Glutamic acid for biopharmaceutical C5H9NO4
8.09692.0100 O-Cresol for synthesis 2-(CH3)C6H4OH 1.00289.0100 L-Glutamine for biopharmaceutical
1.18307.0025 Octane-1-sulfonic acid sodium salt for ion pair chrom. C8h17nao3s 1.04351.0025 L-Histidine for biopharmaceutical C6H9N3O2
1.00193.0250 Octanoic acid for biopharmaceutical CH3(CH2)6COOH 1.04354.0500 L-Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate extra pure, Ph Eur, BP c6h10cln3o2.H2O
8.00192.1000 Octanoic acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)6COOH 1.50734.0001 Lichrocart 125-4 lichrospher 100 RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC cartridge (3cai/hop)
8.00192.0100 Octanoic acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)6COOH 100g 1.51402.0003 Lichrocart 125-4 Nucleosil 5C8 HPLC cartridge
1.00471.1000 Oleic acid extra pure C18H34O2 1.50271.0001 Lichrocart 125-4 Purospher STAR RP-8 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC
1.15925.0025 Orange G (C.I. 16230) C16H10N2Na2O7S2 1.50358.0001 Lichrocart 150-4,6 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
1.07100.0005 Orcein 1.51355.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrosorb RP-18 (5 um) HPLC cartridge
1.07100.0025 Orcein 25g 1.51354.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrosorb RP-8 (10um) HPLC cartridge
8.20933.0005 Orcinol / Dihydroxytoluene C7H8O2xH2O 1.51351.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrosorb Si 60 (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
1.24505.0001 Osmium(VIII) oxide 1.50892.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 CN (5µm) HPLC cartridge
8.08312.1000 O-Toluidine for synthesis 2-(CH3)C6H4NH2 1.50836.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 DIOL (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
8.18242.1000 Oxalic acid dihydrate for synthesis C2H2O4.2H2O 1.50995.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 encapped (5 MYM) HPLC cartridge
1.00495.0100 Oxalic acid dihydrate, PA C2H2O4.2H2O 100g 1.50848.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-18 endcapped (10um) HPLC cartridge
1.00495.0500 Oxalic acid dihydrate, PA C2H2O4.2H2O 1.50838.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 RP-18 endcapped (5 um) HPLC
1.09965.0001 Oxalic acid, solution 0,1N (0,05M) C2H2O4 1.50842.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-8 (10um) HPLC cartridge
8.08691.1000 P-Xylene for synthesis C8H10; C6H4(CH3)2 1.50832.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 RP-8 (5 um) HPLC cartridge
8.08697.1000 O-Xylene C8H10; C6H4-1,2-(CH3)2; FW 106.17 1.50837.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-8 encapped (5 MYM) HPLC cartridge
8.07110.0001 Palladium (II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis PdCl2 1g 1.50847.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 lichrospher 100 RP-8 endcapped (10 µm) HPLC cartridge
8.07110.0005 Palladium (II) chloride anhydrous for synthesis PdCl2 5g 1.50840.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Lichrospher SI 60 HPLC cartridge
1.07289.0050 Palladium matrix modifier for graphite furnace AAS Pd(NO3 1.51378.0003 Lichrocart 250-4 Nucleosil 10 C 18 HPLC cartridge
1.19225.0001 Palladium powdered 99.9 Pd 1.51388.0003 Lichrocart 250-4 Nucleosil 5C 18 HPLC cartridge
8.00508.0100 Palmitic acid for synthesis CH3(CH2)14COOH 1.50245.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Purospher Star NH2 (5µm) HPLC cartridge
1.07130.1000 Pancreatin (from porcine pancreas) 350 FIP 1.50252.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped (5um) HPLC
8.17040.1000 Paracetamol Ph.Eur. CH3CONHC6H4(OH) 1.50272.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Purospher STAR RP-8 endcapped (5µm)
1.07174.1000 Paraffin highly liquid 1.16056.0001 Lichrocart 250-4 Superspher 100 RP-18 HPLC cartridge
1.07150.1000 Paraffin in block form 1.50359.0001 Lichrocart 250-4,6 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
1.07300.1000 Paraffin 52-54 1.50960.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 lichrospher 100 DIOL (5 µm) HPLC guard column - Cột bảo vệ cho máy, Sắc ký (10 cai)
1.07350.1000 Paraffin in powder form 1.50957.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 lichrospher 100 RP-18 (5 µm) HPLC guard column
1.04005.1000 Paraformaldehyde extra pure (CH2O)n 1.50962.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 lichrospher 100 RP-18 endcapped (5 um) HPLC guard column
8.18715.1000 Paraformaldehyde for synthesis (CH2O)n 1.50956.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 Lichrospher 100 RP-8 HPLC guard column 10units
1.07509.0025 Para-Rosaniline (CI.42500) C19H18ClN3 25g 1.50955.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 Lichrospher SI 60 HPLC guard column 10units
1.07509.0100 Para-Rosaniline (CI.42500) C19H18ClN3 100g 1.50250.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 Purospher STAR RP-18 endcapped (5um) HPLC
8.02410.1000 P-Benzoquinone for synthesis 4-(O=)C6H4=O 1.50270.0001 Lichrocart 4-4 Purospher STAR RP-8 endcapped (5µm) HPLC
8.02410.0100 P-Benzoquinone for synthesis C6H4O2 1.50828.0001 Lichrocart® 125-4 lichrospher® 100 RP-18 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
1.07160.1000 Paraffin viscous 1.50829.0001 Lichrocart® 125-4 lichrospher® 60 RP-select (5 µm) HPLC cartridge
8.05223.0100 P-Cresol C7H8O 1.50961.0001 Lichrocart® 4-4 lichrospher® 100 RP-8 endcapped (5 µm) HPLC guard column
8.05223.0101 P-Cresol for synthesis C7H8O 1.50963.0001 Lichrocart® 4-4 lichrospher® 60 RP-select B (5 µm) HPLC guard column
1.06021.0025 Pectinase for biopharmaceutical 1.19870.0001 Lichrolut EN 200 mg 3ml standard PP-tubes (30 extraction tubes)
1.07185.0100 Pepsin for biopharmaceutical 1.19127.0001 Lichrolut Florisil (150-250µm) 1000 mg 6 ml standard PP-tubes (30 columns per box)
1.07212.0500 Peptone from soymeal papain-digested for microbiopharmaceutical 1.19855.0001 Lichrolut RP-18 (40 - 63 µm) 100 mg 1 ml standard PP-tubes 100 extraction tubes per package
1.09065.1000 Perchloric acid in acetic 0,1mol/l (0,1N) HClo4 1.02021.0001 Lichrolut Si (40-63um) 200mg, 3ml standard PP-tubes (50 extraction tubes)
1.00519.1000 Perchloric Acid, 70-72%, PA HClo4 1.13973.0250 Lichroprep DIOL (40-63 µm) for liquid chromatography
1.00524.0100 Periodic acid H5IO6 1.19156.0001 Lichrotest PQ Performance Qualification Set for HPLC/Bộ dung dịch chuẩn cho máy sắc ký
8.22288.0100 Periodic acid for synthesis H5IO6 1.19157.0001 Lichrotest Standard samples for HPLC system qualification Set 1A (5 cái/hộp)
1.00524.0025 Periodic acid, PA H5IO6 1.15941.0025 Light green SF yellowish (C.I. 42095) C37H34N2Na2O9S3
1.16216.0001 Peroxidase for biopharmaceutical (POD) 1.59645.0005 Linalool (3,7-dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol) Reag.
1.01775.1000 Petroleum benzine 40-60oc, PA 1.59646.0005 Linalyl acetate Reag.
1.09533.0001 Ph-indicator strips ph 5.0 - 10.0 non-bleeding ph 5.0 - 5.5 - 6.0 - 6.5 - 7.0 - 7.5 - 8.0 - 8.5 1.05680.0250 Lithium carbonate, PA Li2CO3
1.09175.0100 Ph 4-10 : ph-Indicator Solution .BR ph 4.0 - 10.0 Universal Indicator with colour card 1.05679.0100 Lithium chloride
1.09564.0001 Ph-indicator paper ph 5.5 - 9.0, Roll (4.8m) with colour scale ph 5.5- 6.0- 6.5- 7.0- 7.5- 8.0 1.05690.0100 Lithium fluoride
1.09525.0003 pH-Indicator paper pH 1-10 ± 1 pH-unit, in strips 1.11652.0250 Lithium hydroxide monohydrate for amino acid analysis
1.04371.1000 N-Hexane for gas chrom. C6H14; CH3(CH2)4CH3 8.18287.0050 Lithium iodide anhydrous for synthesis Lii
1.04391.2500 N-Hexane, HPLC CH3(CH2)4CH3 1.05694.0250 Lithium sulfate monohydrate, PA Li2SO4.H2O
1.04367.1000 N-Hexane, PA CH3(CH2)4CH3 1000g 8.14347.0010 Lithium tetrafluoroborate libf4
1.04367.2500 N-Hexane, PA CH3(CH2)4CH3 1.09518.0001 Litmus paper neutral
8.06715.0025 Nickel (II) acetylacetonate C10H14NIO4 1.05700.0100 L-Lysine monohydrochloride for biopharmaceutical C6h15cln2o2
1.06717.0250 Nickel (II) chloride hexahydrate, PA NiCl2 x 6H2O 1.05653.0100 Lithium nitrate
1.06721.0100 Nickel (II) nitrate hexahydrate, PA Ni(NO3)2.6H2O 1.51254.0001 Locking device for lichrocart 4 mm cartridges
1.06723.1000 Nickel Oxide Black extra pure nio 1.06906.0025 L-Ornithine monohydrochloride for biopharmaceutical C5H12N2O2.HCl
8.06749.0250 Nickel-alluminium alloy powder 1.07256.0025 L-Phenylalanine for biochemistry C9H11NO2
1.24542.0001 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide free acid C21H27N7O14P2 1.07434.0010 L-Proline for biopharmaceutical C5H9NO2
1.06828.0005 Nicotinamide test substance 1.08411.0010 L-Threonine C4H9NO3
8.18714.0100 Nicotinic acid 3-(COOH)-C5H4N 1.08371.0100 L-Tyrosine for biochemistry C9H11NO3
1.15924.0025 Nigrosine (CI.50420) for microscopy 1.05281.0010 Lysozyme (from egg white) 100 000U/mg cryst.
1.59655.0010 Ninhydrin Reag. C9H6O4 1.05281.0001 Lysozyme (hydrochloride) for biopharmaceutical
1.06762.0010 Ninhydrin, PA 1.05819.0250 Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate, PA (CH3COO)2Mg.4H2O
1.06762.0100 Ninhydrin, PA C9H6O4 1.05833.0250 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate mgcl2.6H2O 250g
1.16995.0001 Nitrate test Method ( Chất thử Nitrate) 1.05833.1000 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate mgcl2.6H2O
1.09964.0001 Nitric acid 0,1 mol/l (0,1 N) HNO3 1.05832.5000 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate extra pure mgcl2.6H2O
1.00456.1000 Nitric Acid, min. 65%, PA HNO3 1000g 1.05832.9029 Magnesium chloride hexahydrate extra pure (gia / kg) mgcl2.6H2O
1.00456.2500 Nitric Acid, min. 65%, PA HNO3 1.05836.0100 Magnesium fluoride powder less than 0.15mm
8.06770.1000 Nitrobenzene for synthesis C6H5NO2 1.05812.0001 Magnesium foil 0.15-0.30mm, 3mm wide
8.20894.0250 Nitromethane for synthesis CH3NO2 1.05813.0050 Magnesium matrix modifier for graphite furnace AAS Mg(NO3)2.6H2O
8.14715.0100 N-Lauryl sarcosine sodium salt c15h28nnao3 1.05853.0500 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, PA Mg(NO3)2.6H2O
8.41863.0025 N,N-Dimethyloctylamine (C10H23N) 1.05862.1000 Magnesiumsulfate, PA mgo
8.20400.0025 N,N-Diethyl-1,4-Phenylenediamine for synthesis 1.05865.0100 Magnesium oxide, PA mgo 100g
1.03121.0100 N,N-Diethyl-1,4-phenylenediammmonium sulfate C10H18N2O4S 1.05865.0500 Magnesium oxide, PA mgo
8.22038.0100 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylenediamine for synthesis 1-[(CH3)2N]C6H4-4-(NH2) 8.05817.1000 Magnesium ribbon
1.03067.0025 N,N'-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium dichloride, PA C8H12N2.2HCl 1.05873.0500 Magnesium perchlorate hydrate Mg(clo4)2.H2O
8.03235.1000 N,N-Dimethylacetamide for synthesis 1.05815.0250 Magnesium powder (0.06-0.3mm) Mg
8.03060.1000 N,N'-Dimethylaniline for synthesis C6H5N(CH3)2 1.05882.2500 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate extra pure mgso4.7H2O
8.08670.0250 3,4-Dimethylaniline for synthesis C8H11N 1.05886.0500 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, PA mgso4.7H2O
8.03060.0500 N,N-Dimethylaniline for synthesis C8H11N; C6H5N(CH3)2 1.08409.0100 Magnesium titriplex dihydrate, PA c10h12k2mgn2o8.2H2O
1.03053.1000 N,N-Dimethylformamide C3H7NO; HCON(CH3)2 1.01398.0100 Malachite green oxalate (C.I 42000) C50H52N4O8
1.03053.2500 N,N'-Dimethylformamide, PA HCON(CH3)2 1.01398.0025 Malachite green-oxalate (CI.42000) C48H50N4O4.2C2H2O4
1.10897.0050 N,N'-Methylenediacrylamide for electrophoresis C7H10N2O2; (CH2CHCONH)2CH2 8.00380.0500 Maleic acid for synthesis
8.18727.0025 N,O-Bis(trimethylsilyl) acetamide c8h21nosi2 8.00408.1000 Maleic anhydride for synthesis C4H2O3
1.08602.0025 N-[Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl]glycine buffer substance TRICIN C6H13NO5 8.05797.0250 Malondialdehyde bis (diethyl acetal) for synthesis C11H24O4
1.01701.0025 N6-Benzyladenine C12H11N5 8.00387.0100 Malonic acid C3H4O4
1.01701.0005 N6-Benzyladenine for biopharmaceutical C12H11N5 8.05930.0100 Manganese (II) chloride for synthesis
8.08158.0050 N-Allylthiourea for synthesis CH2=CHCH2NHCSNH2 1.05941.0250 Manganese (II) sulfate monohydrate, PA mnso4.H2O
1.00975.1000 N-Amyl alcohol, PA CH3(CH2)4OH 1.05940.0500 Mangan nitrat : Manganese(II) nitrate tetrahydrate
8.20846.1000 Naphthalene for synthesis 1.02786.1000 Manganese (II) sulfate tetrahydrate, PA mnso4.4H2O
8.20846.0100 Naphthalene for synthesis C10H8 1.12237.0250 Manganese powder 99+ Mn
1.01974.2500 N-Butyl acetate extra pure C6H12O2 1.51486.0001 Manu-cart NT cartridge holder for lichrocart 2,3,4,4.6mm HPLC cartridges
8.40099.0025 N-Butyl isocyanate for synthesis C5H9NO 1.09090.0001 Máy lấy mẫu vi sinh không khí MAS-100 : Air-sampler System MAS 100
1.02342.1000 N-Cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide, PA C16H33N(CH3)3Br 1.09227.0001 Máy lấy mẫu vi sinh trong không khí : MAS 100 Eco Airsampler for food industry
1.02342.0100 N-Cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide, PA C16H33N(CH3)3Br 100g 1.09751.0001 Máy quang phổ Photometer NOVA 60 Spectroquant
8.18188.0250 N-Cetylptridinium bromide monohydrate for synthesis C5H5N(Br)(CH2)15CH3.H2O 8.09691.0100 M-Cresol for synthesis 3-(CH3)C6H4OH
8.20383.1000 N-Decan for synthesis C10H22; CH3(CH2)8CH3 1.05228.0001 M-Cresol purple C21H18O5S
8.20383.0250 N-Decane for synthesis CH3(CH2)8CH3 1.05228.0005 M-Cresol purple C21H18O5S 5g
1.02968.0001 Neocuproine C14H12N2; M 208.27 8.09691.1000 M-Cresol-M for synthesis 3-(CH3)C6H4OH
1.02964.0001 Neocuproine hydrochloride c14h13cln2 1.04425.0050 Mercury (I) chloride, PA Hg2Cl2
1.13203.0001 Đèn tia cực tím : UV lamp 1.04410.0050 Mercury (II) acetate, PA Hg(CH3COO)2 50g
1.09028.0100 Nessler's reagent 100g 1.04410.0250 Mercury (II) acetate, PA Hg(CH3COO)2
1.09028.0500 Nessler's reagent 1.04421.0050 Mercury (II) bromide, PA HgBr2
1.01369.0025 Neutral red (CI.50040) C15H17ClN4 1.04417.0050 Mercury (II) chloride extra pure HgCl2
1.09604.0005 N-Heptadecane reference substance for gas chrom. C17H36 1.04419.0050 Mercury (II) chloride, PA HgCl2 50g
1.04390.1000 N-Heptane, HPLC C7H16 1.04419.0250 Mercury (II) chloride, PA HgCl2
1.04379.1000 N-Heptane, PA C7H16 1.04428.0050 Mercury (II) iodide, PA HgI2 50g
8.20633.0250 N-Hexadecane for synthesis 1.04420.0100 Mercury (II) iodide, PA HgI2 100g
1.00532.0025 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate, PA H3[P(Mo3O10)4].H2O 25g 1.04428.0250 Mercury (II) iodide, PA HgI2
1.00532.0100 Molybdatophosphoric acid hydrate, PA H3[P(Mo3O10)4]*.H2O 1.04439.0050 Mercury (II) nitrate monohydrate, PA Hg(NO3)2.H2O
1.00403.0100 Molybdenum(VI) oxide moo3 1.09143.1000 Mercury (II) nitrate, solution 0,02N (0,01M)
1.06098.0005 Morin dihydrate (C.I. 75660) C15H10O7.2H2O 1.04466.0050 Mercury (II) oxide red, PA HgO
8.06127.0500 Morpholine for synthesis C4H9NO 1.04481.0250 Mercury (II) sulfate extra pure HgSO4
1.05878.0500 Muller-Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocine enrichment broth 1.04480.0050 Mercury (II) sulfate, PA HgSO4 50g
1.06161.0005 Murexide C8H8N6O6 1.04480.0250 Mercury (II) sulfate, PA HgSO4
1.06161.0025 Murexide C8H8N6O6 25g 1.04484.0100 Mercury (II) thiocyanate C2HgN2S2
1.04731.1000 Myo-Inositol DAC,FCC C6H12O6 1.04484.0025 Mercury (II) thiocyanate, PA Hg(SCN)2
1.04507.0250 Myo-Inositol for biopharmaceutical C6H12O6 1.04401.1000 Mercury extra pure Hg
1.04507.0050 Myo-Inositol for biochemistry C6H12O6 1.70226.0100 Mercury standard solution 1000 mg/l Hg
8.22291.1000 1-Naphthylamine for synthesis C10H9N 1.04420.1000 Mercury(II) iodide red, extra pure Ph Franç HgI2
1.06237.0025 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride C12H16Cl2N2 8.05890.1000 Mesitylene C9H12
1.06237.0005 N-(1-Naphthyl)ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, PA C12H16Cl2N2 8.00578.0500 Methacrylic acid
8.18403.0025 N-(Trimethylsilyl)acetamide c5h13nosi 8.14637.0250 Methanesulfonic acid (70% solution in water) CH3-SO3H
1.09771.0005 N-(Trimethylsilyl)imidazole for gas chromatography C6H12N2Si 1.06012.2500 Methanol dried (max 0,005%H2O) CH3OH
8.21102.0010 N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediammonium dichloride for synthesis C6H4-1, 1.06012.1000 Methanol dried (max.0,005% H20) CH3OH 1000g
8.00590.1000 Methyl methacrylate C5H8O2 1.06011.1000 Methanol for gas chrom. CH3OH
1.09743.0005 Methyl oleate reference substance for gas chromatography C19H36O2 1.06007.4000 Methanol, gradient HPLC
1.01322.0025 Methyl orange (CI.13025) C14H14N3O3SNa 25g 1.06007.2500 Methanol, gradient HPLC CH3OH
1.01322.0100 Methyl orange (CI.13025) C14H14N3O3SNa 1.06018.1000 Methanol, HPLC CH3OH 1000g
1.01323.0250 Methyl orange solution 0,1% 1.06018.2500 Methanol, HPLC CH3OH
1.06076.0025 Methyl red (CI.13020) C15H15N3O2 25g 1.06009.1000 Methanol, PA CH3OH 1000g
1.06076.0100 Methyl red (CI.13020) C15H15N3O2 1.06009.2500 Methanol, PA CH3OH
1.01400.1000 Methyl violet (C.I. 42535) C25H30ClN3 1.06028.0005 Methanol-D4 deuteration min 99,8%
1.15945.0025 Methyl violet (CI 42535) for microscopy 1.04343.0100 Methenamine C6H12N4
1.01400.0100 Methyl violet (CI.42535) C25H30ClN3 100g 1.04343.0500 Methenamine, PA C6H12N4
8.06020.0005 Methylammonium chloride CH6ClN; CH3NH3Cl 1.59712.0004 Methoxyphenylacetic acid Reag. Ph Eur C9H10O3
8.06147.1000 Methylcyclohexane for synthesis C6H11CH3 1.59712.0010 Methoxyphenylacetic acid Reag. Ph Eur C9H10O3 10g
8.40024.0100 Methyl-D-glucopyranoside for synthesis C7H14O6 8.00466.0251 Methyl 2-aminobenzoate C8H9NO2
1.15943.0100 Methylene blue (CI.52015) for microscopy C16H18ClN3S x xH2O 1.06757.5000 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Ph Eur
1.15943.0025 Methylene blue (CI.52015) for microscopy Certistain C16H18ClN3S x xH2O 1.59714.0005 Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate Reag. 4-(OH)C6H4(COOCH3)
1.59270.0010 Methylene blue (CI.52015) Reag.Ph. C16H18ClN3S x xH2O 8.09711.1000 Methyl acetate for synthesis CH3COOCH3
1.06070.2500 Methylsalicylate synthetic, extra pure C8H8O3 8.22330.0100 Methyl benzoate for synthesis C8H8O2; C6H5COOCH3
1.06084.0001 Methylthymol blue sodium salt metal (pm) indicator C37H39N2Na5O13S 1.16316.0050 Methyl blue (CI.42780) C37H27N3Na2O9S3
1.06084.0005 Methylthymol blue sodium salt metal (pm) indicator C37H39N2Na5O13S 5g 8.20232.0500 Methyl butyrate C5H10O2
8.18079.0250 Methyltrioctylammonium chloride for synthesis (CH3)(C8H17)3NCl 1.09637.0005 Methyl decanoate reference substance for gas chromatography C11H22O2
1.40900.1000 Miraval (TM) 5411 Magic White 8.20820.1000 Methyl Isobutyl ketone for synthesis (MIBK) (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3
1.40902.1000 Miraval (TM) 5411 Magic White KU 28 1.06146.1000 Methyl Isobutyl ketone, PA (MIBK) (CH3)2CHCH2COCH3
1.06130.0250 Mixed indicator 5 for ammonia titrations